Page 15 - GIADA-Oct 2017-Final
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SALES                                          GET SIGNED UP WITH ETR

        Continued from previous page                          before the JANUARY 1, 2018
        Reputation and relevance are related. I can’t      ETR Mandate goes into affect!
        recall a specific reason I stopped reading
        Rolling Stone. I do remember the articles
        and stories seemed less compelling to me   Waiting until the 1st of the year will result in
        in college and beyond. Perhaps the last   wait times for ETR account set up. Don’t put a
        time I sought out Rolling Stone followed the      delay on your business!               ETR will be
        controversy over its story of an alleged gang
        rape at the University of Virginia. I read the   Don’t wait to get educated on the requirements
        piece for myself and thought, “this won’t   or trained on how to process a deal via ETR.  by the state after
        turn out well.” Subsequent investigations                                             JAN. 1, 2018
        found serious breaches of journalistic   Start now. GIADA can help your dealership stay
        fundamentals, all of which damaged the   confident about title work and avoiding fees for
        magazine’s reputation. Dealers would do   incorrect processing. GIADA is a Scanning Center
        well to remember that your reputation is   for AutoPoint | TitleTec, a DOR approved ETR Vendor, allowing ETR customers
        only as good as the worst online review or   to receive Quality Assurance as part of the ETR process.
        your last miffed customer. Likewise, today’s
        consumers have long memories, and social   Come to one of our FREE ETR Training courses. We can help you get set up
        media outlets to vent, when you break their
        trust.                                 on ETR as well as provide a full overview of what to expect.

        Talent sets the tone. You could make the                    CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED
        case  that Rolling Stone  thrived  the  most
        when it consistently fielded top-notch      Or give us a call, we'll be happy to get you started, (770) 745-9650!
        writers and photographers—some of whom
        Wenner had the foresight and guts to give
        their work its first significant chance. The
        same is true for dealers. When your people
        really shine, so does your dealership. As
        their leader, it’s your job to create the
        environment where they have a real chance
        to reach their potential, and continue to
        grow,  as  individuals.  By  definition,  this
        outcome means dealers have to do way
        more than simply provide an attractive

        The New York Times article reports that
        Wenner, in the late ‘90s, turned down an
        offer of $500 million for Rolling Stone. Last
        year, Wenner sold a 49 percent stake in his
        company for $40 million.

        Perhaps those figures represent the biggest
        lesson of all. n

        In addition to being a best-selling author
        on Used Car Sales in his book Velocity,
        Dale Pollak is the chairman and founder of
        vAuto, Inc., a company that provides retail
        automotive dealerships with a better way to
        appraise, manage and price their pre-owned
        vehicle inventory. In addition to serving as
        vAuto’s spokesperson, Dale is responsible for
        strategic planning and development.

                                                                                  GIADA Independent Auto Dealer OCTOBER 2017  |  13
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