Page 32 - GIADA-Oct 2017-Final
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n GIADA MEMBER BENEFITS & SERVICES      CPO Car Sales Dip in August,
                                             Remain Ahead Year-to-Date
        Adaptive Mobility Systems, Inc.
        770-674-0776                           By Joe Overby, Senior Editor, Auto Remarketing
        Adaptive Mobility Systems was        Certified pre-owned vehicle sales fell 1.4  In August, three brands — Nissan, Jeep
        incorporated in Georgia in 1979 and has   percent year-over-year in August, but are  and Audi — had their best months ever for
        been building wheelchair accessible vans   still on track for another record-breaking  certified, according to Autodata.
        since.                               year.
        __________________________________                                        Domestic  brands  combined  to  sell  78,927
        AMS Vans, Inc.                       According to data from Autodata Corp.,  CPO units for the month (up 1.9 percent),
        770-729-9400                         there were 230,013 CPO sales for the  and they have moved 620,646 for the year                          month, compared to 233,236 in August  (down 1.2 percent).
        Van Conversions                      2016.
        __________________________________                                        Asian brands moved 110,157 certified
        Custom Mobility Van & Lift Sales &   Certified sales were up 1.3 percent from  vehicles in August (down 5 percent), with
        Services LLC                         July, when CPO sales fell 3.2 percent year-  year-to-date numbers at 873,269 (up 0.1
        706-353-1099                         over-year.                           percent).
        Conversions, Hand Controls, and      Through eight months, there has been  With 40,929 CPO sales in August,
        Wheelchairs                          a shade less than 1.8 million CPO sales,  European brands were up 2.7 percent last
                                             which beats the year-ago pace by 0.3  month. Through eight months, they are up
                                             percent, Autodata said.              4.2 percent with 304,796 CPO cars sold. n

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