Page 4 - GIADA-Oct 2017-Final
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                                                                                      MAXIMIZE YOUR
        And Fall Roars In                                                                 EXPOSURE!

                               Harvey and Irma sure made a mess.  The hurricane season   GIADA also offers options for
                               came at the south with a vengeance this past September.  Not   advertising on our website and
                               to downplay the human loss, homes and property damage,   in our digital publications!
                               but these two storms could arguably be the worst natural   The GIADA website gets over
                               disasters  to  impact  vehicles  of  all  types  in  recent  history.
                               Depending on who you listen to, we are talking automotive   50,000 visitors and over 142,000
                               damage and losses in “billions” of dollars.           pageviews per quarter from top
                                                                                   decision-makers. The exposure you
                               We here at GIADA offer our thoughts and prayers to all those   could get is unmatched.
                               affected.  Part of being a member of  GIADA is upholding our   Call us to advertise!
                               code of ethics.  In times following events such as these, people   _________________
                               rely on us to provide safe and reliable vehicles to replace
                               those lost.  We all must do our part to be the professional,   ADVERTISER INDEX
        GIADA PRESIDENT        licensed dealers that people look to for good, replacement
        Bart Barton            transportation.  Many of us dealers here lost inventory to
        Barton Used Cars       these storms. Not only do we have to try and replace saleable    16  A.R.A. GPS Systems
                               inventory with new, but also hope to recoup all or part of our    51  Ace Motor Acceptance
                               losses through insurance claims.
                                                                                    15  ADESA Atlanta
        On a brighter note, many of us just returned from the NIADA 2017 National Policy     5  AutoZone
        Conference & Legislative Summit, which included a day on Capitol Hill in our nation’s    30  Carolina Auto Auction
        capital.  Over a full 3 day period, we took part in the State Presidents and Officers’ Council
        Meeting, a full day of speakers from various government departments and, finally, a full day    37  Charleston Auto Auction
        meeting with both State Senators and various representatives in their respective offices.  As    36  Counselor Library
        I’ve mentioned earlier, these folks know who we are and what we stand for.  It’s always great
        that these guys know Paul, our CEO, and Mo and John, our lobbyists, on first name basis!   12  Frazer Computing, Inc.
                                                                                    39  GIADA Legal Resources
        So, in closing, let me just say “what a month”!  Good and ugly - we carry on.  Please think
        about getting involved with GIADA in any way that you see fit. Involve to solve!   47  GIADA Store
                                                                                     8  Manheim
        Until next issue, good selling,                                             IBC  Manheim
        Bart Barton
                                                                                    BC  NextGear Capital
                  GET SIGNED UP WITH ETR                                            31  NIADA CPO Program
                                                                                    35  Oakwood’s Arrow Auto
                         before the JANUARY 1, 2018                                     Auction

                      ETR Mandate goes into affect!                                 46  Peoples Financial
                                                                                    32  Professional Mojo
           Waiting until the 1st of the year will result in wait times for ETR account    10  Rawls Auto Auction
                        set up. Don’t put a delay on your business!
                                                                                    13  Reeves Insurance Associates, Inc.
          Don’t wait to get educated on the requirements or trained on how to process    41  Ron E. Widener
          a deal via ETR. GIADA can help your dealership stay confident about title work
          and avoiding fees for incorrect processing. GIADA is a Scanning Center for     3  Southeastern Auto Auction
          AutoPoint | TitleTec, a DOR approved ETR Vendor, allowing ETR customers to    33  Spartan Financial Partners
          receive Quality Assurance as part of the ETR process.                     49  Spireon
          Come to one of our FREE ETR Training courses. We can help you get set up     17  TitleTec an AutoPoint Company
          on ETR as well as provide a full overview of what to expect.               59  TitleTec an AutoPoint Company
                               CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED                            40  United Acceptance
                                                                                    IFC  Wayne Reaves
        2  |  GIADA Independent Auto Dealer OCTOBER 2017
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