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GIADA Visits Washington, DC
GIADA CEO, Paul John
I wanted to share some details about
GIADA’s recent participation in the 4th
Annual NIADA National Policy Conference Your story as a small business owner and 2018. We are gearing up once again, and we
in Washington DC. What a great trip! There member of NIADA is an important one to expect TAVT tax reform to be a hot topic per
were a total of 16 GIADA members in tell. No one can tell your story better than usual. Members, keep an eye on your email
addition to the GIADA Government Affairs you. That's why your participation at this and be ready to reach out to your elected
Team in attendance at this monumental important event is critical as we continue to state representatives for help. But please
industry event in late September. expand the voice of our industry on Capitol don’t wait for us to reach out. If you need
Hill by lobbying key elected officials and get help identifying your local Representative
valuable up-to-date association training and and Senators, go online and go here: https://
Personally, I look forward to this trip each It appears that GIADA will be fighting again
year. As a powerful group of independent to keep TAVT the way it currently is. There’s
dealers, with well more than 200 from talk of an effort to convince lawmakers to
all over the country attending, DC law bring back the tax on sale price, instead of
makers certainly know who NIADA is, and FMV. The 2.5% BHPH special discount
understands the power of our numbers and for customers could be in jeopardy as well.
unity. It is vitally important that each and The DOR has a huge revenue surplus from
every dealer in Georgia understand why taxes, so why even consider such a change?
I am proud to report that our Government GIADA vigorously supports NIADA’s efforts Sounds to me, it’s an issue of inequitable tax
Affairs Team, our GIADA Lobbyist team, in D.C. distribution of revenue to counties. In fact,
Mo Thrash and John Haliburton, were able there was an interesting article on this very
to schedule 11 appointments for our Georgia While we were there, several Government topic that was recently published by the AJC
group of 16 with all U.S. Senators and U.S. agencies made the time to come and speak to that I’d like to share with you: Click Here
House Representatives. us – it is clear they were aware of our presence
as a group of dealers representing the entire Speaking of opportunities to get a leg up
The three main topics that we discussed with country. These entities were as follows: on the coming legislative period, please
all 11 U.S. Legislators from Georgia were: • FTC (Federal Trade Commission) consider joining us on November 6th at the
Repealing the Anti-Consumer Arbitration • CFPB (Consumer Financial GIADA office for a lunch and meet & greet
Rule, Used Car Recalls and Tax Reform, and Protection) with Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle. If you would like
the Independent Automobile Dealer. • NAAA (National Association of Auto more details, contact us at 770-745-9650.
In the words of Steve Jordan, “This year, as • SBA (Small Business Association) As always, we appreciate your support. Not
in past years, our traditional Conference • White House National Economic just for our Association but for this industry.
will be combined with a Lobbying Day on Council It’s imperative that we stick together to
Capitol Hill. This important event will help discuss these issues and, further, work
frame the NIADA Legislative & Regulatory Now shifting gears just a bit, let’s talk about together to resolve them to the best of our
Policy agenda for 2017 - 2018 and beyond. our state legislation which begins in January ability. n
4 | GIADA Independent Auto Dealer OCTOBER 2017