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Social Media Marketing
Takes Constant Attention
By Ted Craig
The replacement of vehicles lost in the recent Sometime that creates problems. Midgett
hurricanes has started and the increased said everybody can share information on
demand combined with the decrease in Facebook, much of it wrong.
supply should drive up used-car prices.
For example, he recently posted a 2009
There are three reasons why small Suburban LTZ with 162,000 miles priced
businesses use social media, according $3,000 below the NADA Used Car Guide
to digital consultancy Clutch: its cost value. In the comments, a woman tagged
effectiveness, it’s popular and it allows them her friend, who then said he paid half as
to target customers. much for a truck with fewer miles.
Missing from this list is the investment in It turns out that truck was an ’01 and not a
time small business owners, such as car top-line LTZ package.
dealers, have to put into their social media
marketing. “Tagging,” is when somebody on Facebook
mentions another person in a post or
SPECIAL OFFER And by social media, most people these comment to notify that person. It creates
days are really talking about Facebook. A challenges at times in other ways.
Clutch survey found Facebook to be the
dominant platform for both consumers and Midgett said he has been tagged in posts
small business owners. when somebody in the area says they are
looking for a car. A few times, Midgett has
Clutch recommends that if small business already dealt with the person and doesn’t
owners only have the time or resources for want him as a customer.
one channel, then the best option is likely
Facebook. For all the hassle, there is a good reason
why Midgett uses Facebook – it works. It
That is the strategy of Kelly Midgett, owner expands his market and allows him as the
of Kelly’s Automotive in Manteo, N.C. only independent in his area to compete
with the franchise dealers.
“I wouldn’t be on Facebook if I didn’t have a
car lot,” Midgett said. “I recently had a family drive over an hour
to buy a 2006 Town and Country minivan
Midgett posts every vehicle in his 40-vehicle because they had seen others on Facebook
inventory both on Facebook and on his saying we were the best dealer to deal with,”
website. It’s the only advertising he uses. he said.
Facebook grew in popularity as a marketing Midgett is investing even more in Facebook,
tool due to its tremendous return on bringing on a salesperson full time whose
investment. It allowed businesses access to duties will include handling the social
a massive audience at no cost. media accounts.
That is now changing. Midgett said he now Midgett said that while he is under 40, he’s
has to pay for Facebook to “boost” his posts almost too old to really do Facebook properly.
in order for them to be seen. This new employee grew up with it.
Social media marketing differs from “If you’re going to be on there, you have to
traditional marketing in the interaction. be there and be active,” Midgett said. n
A post promoting a vehicle for sale does
more than inform consumers. It also draws
their comments.
GIADA Independent Auto Dealer OCTOBER 2017 | 49