Page 52 - GIADA-Oct 2017-Final
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           The Time is


           for BHPH

           By David Algood,
           Director of Sales and Marketing,AMAC

        The Buy Here Pay Here (BHPH) business  have consistently averaged over $4,500 per  that are looking to enter the market.
        can be a great resource to increase cash  unit from 2013-2016.            AMAC’s BHPH in a Box™ program offers
        flow  to  withstand  the  economic  ups  and                              financing for receivables, floorplan lines of
        downs of the car business, while building  Many dealers are able to cover most of their  credit and simplified insurance tracking.
        wealth for multiple generations. When you  credit losses with interest income. If your  In addition, AMAC provides both a daily
        look at independent dealers who have been  store could benefit from additional sales with  reports package and training to help you
        successful for 20 plus years, you find mostly  great margins then entering or expanding in  run your business more profitably!
        BHPH dealers.                        the BHPH business may be for you.
                                                                                  AMAC’s professional collections staff is
        Many of you that are already in or  While most dealers realize there are  available to handle servicing for those
        thinking of entering the BHPH business  numerous advantages to being in the  dealer that want or need help with
        have probably noticed that many finance  BHPH business, most do not have sufficient  collections. Whether AMAC or the dealer
        companies and banks have dropped out of  capital to make it work. A dealer looking  handles collections, the customer may still
        the  deep  subprime  market  (credit  scores  to  enter  the BHPH business  will likely  pay at the lot. This will increase sales from
        under 550) and have tighten lending  need   $300,000-$3,000,000 to fund their  both repeat customers and referrals. n
        related to the subprime market. As the  operation. For this reason nearly all BHPH
        subprime cycle is getting closer to its end, it  dealers use a third party to fund a portion of  David Algood is the Director of Sales and
        is imperative that dealers adapt quickly and  their operation, often times allowing them  Marketing at AMAC, a rapidly growing
        prepare themselves for the future, making  to lower their self-funding needs to less  finance company doing business in the
        the  BHPH  business  more  attractive  than  than $100,000. Finding a capital provider  Eastern half of the United States.  Anyone
        ever for dealers.                    that will provide enough money to help  wanting  more  information  can  contact
                                             you grow steady and profitably, while also  AMAC at 704-882-7100 (ext. 7509) or visit
        The BHPH business is an excellent choice  understanding the BHPH business is very  their website at
        for dealers who do not want their livelihood  important.
        to be at the mercy of secondary banks.                                    For more, please visit: acemotoracceptance.
        The BHPH business can be extremely  Ace Motor Acceptance Corporation  com/?utm_source=Article&utm_
        profitable. The Used Car News data source  (AMAC) is a known capital provider for  medium=BHPH&utm_campaign=BHPH_
        book reports BHPH profit margins average  both seasoned BHPH dealers and those  article

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