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3 Keys to Effective Hiring

                                                        By Tori Zinger

        Good employees are your dealership’s most      Do Your Research.          programs the job uses? Are they able to
        valuable assets, but the wrong employees  To find the right person for the job, you  work overtime or abnormal hours if the
        can be among its riskiest liabilities.  must have a thorough understanding of  position in question requires it (and in the
        Interviewing candidates and training  the job itself. “Have a job description for  car business, it usually does!)? The answers
        new employees costs time and money.  each position to be filled. Job descriptions  to these questions will determine whether a
        All of these things mean it’s critical to  should be specific, concise, and clearly  follow-up interview is warranted.
        ensure you hire the best people for your  understood.” They should also evolve with
        dealership, right from the get-go. A 2002  the dealership. Merely having a standard  Once you’ve determined, through the
        study suggests that “the organizations  job description thrown together that an  initial interview, that a candidate does in
        with the more effective hiring systems  interviewer pulls out any time the position  fact possess the skills necessary to perform
        ranked  higher  in financial performance,  needs filled suppresses the opportunity for  the job, it’s time for the secondary, or follow-
        productivity, quality, customer satisfaction,  growth and learning. “The basis for future  up interview. This is where you start to
        and employee  satisfaction and  retention.  performance  is  a  thorough  study  of what  dig a little deeper: Just because a person is
        ‘This is . . . proof of what HR professionals  has been done in the past.” Thus, each  technically qualified to do the job doesn’t
        have long said: Success is based on finding  time a position opens up (or is added), it’s  necessarily mean they are the right fit. To get
        the right people for the right jobs.’” Below  important to spend some time assessing or  a feel for whether a job candidate is a good fit
        are three keys to effective hiring.  reassessing what does and does not seem to  for the position, ask what Wheatley refers to
                                             work, or what did and did not work in the  as traits-related questions. “Traits are natural
               Assess Their Motivation.      past. “If the previous person was promoted,  abilities that would help a candidate succeed
        When assessing a candidate’s motivation,  what can they or their manager tell you  in a job. They are measured by a person’s
        interviewers frequently focus solely on the  about necessary skills for the position?  pattern of behavior...Trait related questions
        amount or level of motivation a potential  If the last person in the position was not  would include areas such as organization,
        employee demonstrates. But quantity is  a good fit, find out what mistakes not to  initiative, creativity, integrity, and decision-
        only half of the equation: Quality is an  repeat.”                        making. Hiring a person with the traits to
        equally important consideration – in other                                excel in a job can be the difference between a
        words, not simply how motivated someone   Hone Your Questioning Skills.   good hire and a great hire.”
        is, but what motivates them. Is the candidate  To get the best answers, ask the best questions.
        motivated by the factors associated with a  Tonja Wheatley, for,  For job candidates, the most important
        particular job, or by a dealership’s mission,  suggests asking open-ended questions,  thing when interviewing is to be prepared.
        culture, and other overarching ways of  using follow-up questions to get beneath  For the interviewer, the most important
        conducting operations? The ideal candidate  the surface of a response, and controlling  thing is, also, to be prepared. Being
        is motivated by a balance of these things.  the interview with redirecting questions.  thoroughly prepared for interviews,
        Someone  who  is  motivated  by  individual  She also advises focusing each question on  through  research,  assessment,  and quality
        success in their position may do a good  a specific skill or trait – and knowing the  of questioning, will allow you to make the
        job, but if they aren’t on board with the  difference between the two.    absolute most of your hiring process so
        mission of the dealership as a whole, they                                you can hire the right people the first time
        won’t be the right fit. “[T]he key in your job  Skills-related questions regard a candidate’s  around. Especially in this business, where
        interview is to identify what motivates your  “developed or learned abilities necessary to  employees tend to come and go, you may be
        candidate. Then, decide whether those  do the job. Skills are measurable and should  hesitant to spend so much time preparing
        qualities, characteristics, behaviors, values,  be the focus of the initial interview.” Asking  to interview job candidates. But hiring
        and approaches exist in your workplace. If  skills-related questions tells you whether  effectively  from  the  get-go  will  reduce
        they do, you’ve found a dynamite employee  the candidate, if given the position, has the  turnover rates, which will save you loads of
        from your job interview match dance.”  actual ability to do the job. For example, are  time and money in the long run and allow
                                             they proficient with the types of computer  your dealership to truly flourish. n

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