Page 7 - MIADA-Q2 2021
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                           How Dealers Can Sell More

                                   F&I Products in 2021

                                                      By Tim Blochowiak
                    Consumers today have a diverse set of needs that match various F&I products.

          Over the last decade, consumer focus has  It is critical for dealers to understand  •  Five years ago, dealers reported most
          shifted to cutting-edge electric cars and  their customers’ wants and needs. F&I   car shoppers purchasing F&I products
          feature-loaded new SUVs and pickup  partner providers are now taking more of   such as tire and wheel protection
          trucks. However, entering 2021, used  a consultative approach to understanding   (37.9%), exterior appearance products
          cars are among the automotive industry’s  the dealer’s goals to properly align products   (37%), windshield repair (35.6%), and
          hottest commodity because they offer  and services that help dealers reach their   key fob replacement (34.8%). According
          many of the technology features and  business and financial objectives.    to  Protective  Asset  Protection’s  2019
          convenience packages consumers want at                                    F&I Trends report, consumers today
          a more affordable price.            What’s more, the pandemic expedited the   have prioritized  ancillary  packages  in
                                              integration of digital retail requirements   the following order: key fobs, tire and
          Consumers today have a diverse set of  for  dealers.  Consumers  have  been   wheel replacement, windshield repair,
          needs that match various F&I products.  demanding a more digital shopping   exterior appearance protection, interior
                                              experience in the automotive space    protection, and theft deterrent2.
          With so much emphasis on used cars  prior to the pandemic. As a result, more  •  GAP: In the event of a total loss or
          today, auto retailers must ensure their F&I  dealers have implemented digital retailing   unrecovered theft, GAP will, in most
          product  portfolio matches  the  various  elements to incorporate F&I product   cases, pay the difference between the
          needs of their customers looking for used  options and education earlier in the online   actual cash value and the scheduled
          instead of new.                     process for car shoppers.             balance owed to the lender. While
                                                                                    GAP is not a new product, it has grown
          Consumers today are hot after used  With used inventory in high demand,   in popularity over the last few years
          vehicles so they can avoid trains, buses,  here are the product trends we’ve seen   because of an increase in claims due to
          or Ubers during the pandemic, while  developing in recent years:          more accidents with more cars on the
          enjoying the independence of vehicle                                      road; insurance companies are more
          ownership. As demand for used inventory  •  Pre-Owned Vehicle Service Contract   likely to total vehicles due to the rising
          continues to rise and manufacturers adjust   Programs: With multiple levels of   complexity and  cost  of replacement
          to production capacity brought on by the   coverage and a range of model years   parts, in conjunction with falling
          pandemic, dealers need to ensure their   and mileage bands, many consumers   residual values (particularly for cars
          F&I  product  mix  matches  the  interests   are choosing auto care plans for used   over SUVs/crossovers and trucks); and
          and needs of today’s shoppers.        vehicles.                           more impactful weather events driving
                                              •  Certified Programs: Dealers tend to   up claim payouts in recent years.
          In terms of the outlook for used-     gravitate toward certified programs,
          vehicle sales in 2021, industry analysts   such as limited warranties, because  With these strategies in mind, auto dealers
          at  Edmunds  are  forecasting  41  million   they offer numerous options relative  will be better equipped with the right F&I
          units this year, up from an estimated 38.3   to eligibility, coverage, and deductible  product portfolio to meet the needs of the
          million sales last year.              options. Additionally, many certified  growing number of people shopping for
                                                programs offer dealers investment  used vehicles in 2021. n
          CONSUMERS HAVE UNIQUE NEEDS           opportunities in the form of dealer
                 FOR USED VEHICLES              participation programs.           Tim Blochowiak is vice president of dealer
                                              •  Ancillary: Ancillary programs are in  sales at Protective Asset Protection, a full-
          Consumers today have a diverse set of   high demand because they protect  service provider of F&I programs offering
          needs that match various F&I products.   key  elements of  the  vehicle  and  can  products,  training,  and  other  services
          Some products stand alone, while others   be added individually, or as part of a  through vehicle dealerships.
          can be combined to better meet the    combination program to complement
          consumers’ lifestyles, protection needs, or   the coverage a vehicle service contract
          budgets.                              program provides.

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