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        Choosing the Right GPS Partner & Explaining

        2G, 3G, 4G, LTE

        Crash Alerts, National Tow/Impound Lot

        Notifications, $10,000 Recovery Warranty

        Many options exist today regarding GPS  true in many aspects of life today, and in-  will be determined in a manner consistent
        and payment assurance technology. Every  dustries, including this one. Let’s explore  with active usage. They will not create hav-
        finance provider must determine how ex-  the facts.                       oc for customers currently utilizing the 3G
        tensive they wish to engage in this technol-                              CMDA network, and will therefore not “cut
        ogy and what features are best for their par-                             off” the network at that time. Our industry
        ticular  operation.  In  addition  to  tracking,   THE USE OF GPS TODAY IS   will migrate to the new 4G LTE platform
        you must also evaluate; crash alerts, pay-  VERY MUCH MORE THAN JUST      and is working with cellular carriers to get
        ment reminders, starter interrupt, backup   FINDING A VEHICLE. EVEN IF    the hardware in place in a timely manner
        battery, national tow/impound lot mon-  YOU OPERATE LOCATE-ONLY           that delivers the best quality and reliability.
        itoring, tamper detection, frequent stops   SYSTEMS, YOU MUST STILL BE    Any comments suggesting that the current
        analysis, guaranteed portfolio protection,                                3G network will cease at the end of 2019 is
        unauthorized vehicle movement, non-re-  AWARE OF PROPER USE, IN-          simply wrong.
        porting notification, compliance awareness  FORMATIONAL SECURITY, PER-
        and training, unlimited tracking, hardware   SONNEL TRAINING, SYSTEM      Several GPS Companies today are already
        memory capability... need we go on?   ACCESS, AND COMPLIANCE,             delivery 4G technology. If a company tells
                                                  JUST TO NAME A FEW.             you they are the only solution available, be
        You may not need, or want, all the above,                                 warned! This is simply not true. The same
        but do you have these options, and more,                                  thing happened during our move from 2G
        available? The use of GPS today is very  Remember dial-up Internet? We thought it  to 3G. A couple of companies tried to en-
        much more than just finding a vehicle. Even  was the best thing since sliced bread! Today  sue panic and insisted they were the only
        if you operate locate-only systems, you  we laugh at it. GPS tracking equipment has  way forward; the sky was falling, and 2G
        must still be aware of proper use, informa-  moved from analog, to digital, through 2G,  was dead! Well, today, 2G is still in oper-
        tional security, personnel training, system  3G, GSM, CDMA, and the future will con-  ation and will probably be so into 2020 or
        access, and compliance, just to name a few.  tinue to bring new acronyms and networks  2021. While the geographic tracking area in
        In addition to all the hardware options, op-  change to accommodate all the mobile de-  rural areas is reduced, the network is still
        erational considerations, technical under-  vices demanded by consumers.  functioning. There is little change in the re-
        standing, extensive information reporting,                                sponse time or coverage of 2G communica-
        etc., it truly only benefits you to learn what  LTE (Long Term Evolution) is where voice  tion in major metropolitan areas and dense
        is  out  there. Do your  homework. Knowl-  communication is already at, and where  population areas. The same type transition
        edge will only help you build, and operate,  data communication is headed. As the  will occur in 3G CDMA. A smooth, man-
        a more successful business. We welcome  name indicates, with the current support  aged transition to 4G LTE will occur. Talk
        the opportunity to work one-on-one and  by cellular carriers, this network format  with your GPS provider to understand this
        answer all your questions.           should be here for at least a decade. But we  transition and check out the information
                                             all know that the only constant is change,  given to you.
        A one page article is much too short to go  right!
        into detail on all that encompasses this vast                             Take note of the first few paragraphs. You
        spectrum of GPS technology. The balance  Verizon is the largest carrier delivering 3G  should be the recipient of quality, informed
        of this time will be focused on the latest  CDMA communication. Verizon, to date,  information and not fear-driven tactics. Be
        changing technology facing our industry,  has issued no termination date for this  sure your provider has your best interest at
        cellular carriers and network structure.  CDMA network.  Personal conversations  heart. If we can be of help or offer any fur-
                                             and email exchanges with Verizon reveal  ther information, please contact us at info@
        Ever heard the saying that “you cannot  that a review will begin in 2020 for areas, or 877-828-4770. Mention
        believe anything you hear and only half  that use little or no capacity within the  code V2378 for special offerings. n
        of what you see”. Well, the statement is so  current 3G network. Any network changes

                                                                              THE VIRGINIA INDEPENDENT NEWS | SPRING 2018  |  19
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