Page 23 - VIADA-Spring2018-Final 030518-web
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        You think you’re dangling an enticing lure  And then I did. I found the right floor plan  tential customer to ‘take the bait’ on a bare
        in front of your customers’ eyes. You plan  and the right equipment. But what was ex-  hook, you aren’t going to land many fish.
        to set the hook and reel them in. But what  tremely tough to find was a list price. What
        you don’t know is that the lure you’re using  I wanted to know is approximately what I  It’s because you haven’t earned a response
        is completely ineffective!           should expect  to spend  for  my desired  yet. The goal for vehicle listing should be
                                             trailer. And time after time, I was frustrat-  to create warm leads; to generate true po-
        Yes, that’s a nebulous analogy but you’ll see  ed by the lack of pricing available. What  tential sales. If someone is contacting you
        where it’s going very soon. It includes a chal-  was on more than 90 percent of the VLPs  to  find  out  a  price,  they’re  already  irked
        lenge for everyone reading this to take a look  was a statement that makes my innards  that you haven’t given them information
        at what you’re presenting to your customers.  burn: “CALL FOR PRICE”.     they want and, for all intents and purposes,
                                                                                  should already have from you.
        From My Experience…                  YOU HAVEN’T EARNED A
        I’ve just completed a major purchase, one  CALL YET                       YOU DON’T WANT THEIR
        that’s very similar to that of buying a car:  Think of it as it applies to your online  CALL

        a travel trailer. I spent hours browsing on-  shopping and research experiences. When  And if you’re a salesperson who gets that
        line, searching for just the right layout and  you come across a listing that demands  phone call, you’re already behind. The con-
        configuration for my family’s needs. I vis-  you “CALL FOR PRICE”, how do you re-  versation is no longer about the product or
        ited probably 10 to 15 dealer sites – may-  spond? I can tell you, my initial response  the experience – it’s all about price. No mat-
        be more – looking for the elusive ‘white  is to find another dealer who will give me  ter how much better your dealership per-
        whale’ of travel trailers.           a price online. When you require your po-  forms, there’s very little chance you’ll sway
                                                                                  the customer on any other metric than the
                                                                                  price. Can you say “Mini”?
                      PAC CONTRIBUTORS                                            Take a look at your website today. Are there

                                                                                  vehicle listings, parts specials, or service
                                                                                  menu items that tell the customer to ‘CALL
                     Contributions October 1, 2017 - February 23, 2018            FOR PRICE”? If there are, think about how
                              Bronze ($100 to $249 annually)                      you’d respond if you were in the customers’
                                  Arlington Motors, Inc.                          shoes. Then consider why your listing is
                                    Meek Motors, LLC                              like that. Is it because you don’t have a price
                              Steve Farmer Auto Sales, Inc.                       available for the unit yet? Or, are you fish-
                                                                                  ing for price-based leads that whittle your
                Gold ($500 to $999 annually) • SILVER ($250 to $499 annually)     gross profit down to a nub?
                               BASIC ($45 to $99 annually)
                                                                                  If you’re fishing, you need a worm on your
           Virginia Independent Auto Dealers PAC was established to solicit funds   hook to get a bite. If you want customers to
           from independent dealers for contribution to candidates for statewide   respond to your vehicle listings, give them a
            elections (Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, and candidates   full, juicy, tantalizing description complete
               for the General Assembly). All contributions are voluntary and     with a price. n
                         reported to the state Board of Elections.
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