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        Defining the Edealership

        Evolving times require evolving minds. Compliance expert offers a case study to help conceptual-
        ize the concept of converting brick-and-mortar dealerships into Internet sales hubs.

        Paul Simon rode up the pop charts in the  ry of Kodak, which, around 1989, decided
        mid-’70s with “Kodachrome,” a song that ex-  against bringing the first digital camera to  See, our industry has been evolving toward
        tolled the virtues of Kodak camera film. Buy  market for fear it would cannibalize its high-  this edealership concept. Problem is, the
        a roll, take some pictures, get it developed at  ly successful photography business. Well,  push seems to be focused solely on digitiz-
        the local photo shop, and return a week later  by the time Kodak realized its mistake, the  ing sales and F&I processes. But there’s a lot
        to be disappointed.                  company was filing for bankruptcy.   more to it than simply allowing people to
                                                                                  complete a deal online. There’s econtract-
        See, most the pictures, you’d discover, were  Kodak did recover, altered its business, and  ing, emarketing, and so on and so forth. The
        either out of focus, had people with eyes  is now fully engaged in the digital camera  lack of a true definition of what edealership
        shut, or the lens cap was inadvertently left  business. And, yes, it’s still printing photos.  means is probably why a Google search of
        on. The manufacturer didn’t care. You paid  Well, dealers are at the same crossroads as  the term returns a Canadian company that
        for the film, the developing chemicals and  Kodak’s management team was at nearly  uses it to market a fuel system.
        the paper on which the photo was printed.  three decades ago. And if they continue us-
                                             ing Sharpies and four-squares, they are likely  So henceforth, I am defining and promoting
        I bring this up because there’s no better ex-  headed toward a similar fate as Kodak — if  an edealership concept to consolidate the
        ample of the need to innovate than the sto-  they’re lucky.               various eprocesses dealers use in sales and

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