Page 42 - GIADA Aug2017Digital
P. 42


        Mental Toughness Is the Key to Automotive

        Sales Success

        Although insecurity is something everyone feels, it doesn’t pay to beat yourself up when a sale falls through


        One thing I’ve noticed in my 20 years in  self up at least 70% of the time—and that’s a  answers and guidance, it’s important to
        sales is that the feeling of self-doubt and  best-case scenario.          understand that you won’t have all the an-
        insecurity is one of the largest constraints                              swers, and that some things need to be fig-
        on sales success. After all, selling is not an  This isn’t healthy for your sales team, and it  ured out through trial and error.
        easy job.                            isn’t healthy for your dealership as a whole.  As a sales leader, I try to convey to my team
                                                                                  that they have value, potential, and that
        If you’re like most people, you have your  The problem with insecurity is that it can  they’re  capable  of  doing  almost  anything
        good months and your bad months. Men-  manifest itself into negative behavior. After  they put their minds to. I do my absolute
        tal toughness is what gets us through those  all, most of our bad behaviors come from  best to ensure that my team’s mentality and
        highs and lows. It’s a key part of profession-  insecurity. Feeling inadequate as a result of  confidence are impenetrable.
        al development in sales.             losing deals or not hitting quotas can cause
                                             a downward spiral of negative behaviors.  Here are two ways to help build a more
        Although insecurity is something everyone                                 mentally tough sales team.
        feels at some point, it doesn’t pay to beat  As a leader of a sales team, I’ve found that
        yourself up when you’re unable to sell a ve-  one of the most important aspects of my   Failure now doesn’t negate past success
        hicle to a customer.                 job is for my team to realize its self-worth.
                                             Regardless of what stage they’re at in their  Again, your sales team is going to have ups
        Think about it: If you beat yourself up for  sales career, there’s no denying that each in-  and downs. They’ll have their good days and
        all the deals that you lose, and your deal-  dividual on your sales team has value.  their bad days, and good months and bad
        ership’s top performer has a 30% close rate,                              months. It simply comes with the territory
        it basically means that you’re beating your-  Although your team will come to you for  Continued on page 42

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