Page 44 - GIADA Aug2017Digital
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SALES STRATEGY Video Marketing: Taking Your
Showroom Digital
Continued from page 40 When sales reps isolate themselves, I know Continued from page 38
of working in automotive sales—or any type they’re ultimately limiting themselves. I am Buying a car represents a major financial in-
of sales. quick to address this in a one-on-one, and vestment, and consumers have grown more
urge our team to rely on each other for en- comfortable coming to their own indepen-
When members of my sales team have couragement, new ideas, fresh messaging, dent conclusions by researching on mobile.
a poor sales month, they’re often pretty and ways to conquer in a low month.
rough on themselves. The biggest risk is According to research conducted by Face-
that they start to question their abilities as a Not only does the extra encouragement book, 71% of consumers will take to their
sales professional. help boost individual and team morale, mobile device during the process of pur-
but in general, sales reps all learn from one chasing a car.
When I approach a challenging sales sce- another. Despite different styles of selling,
nario that I haven’t yet faced or if I’ve lost there’s always room for improvement—and Furthermore, a report from Marketing Profs
a deal recently, I use my previous sales suc- mental toughness in a new sales environ- states that nearly thee-quarters of millenni-
cesses as a source of confidence that I will ment is best learned from a strong peer als say they are more influenced in their buy-
be able to find a positive outcome again. group. ing decisions by social media recommenda-
tions than TV ads.
The same is true for my team. Any selling One thing to note is that this type of en-
snag that a team member is currently expe- couraging behavior might not happen on Dealerships can use social media channels
riencing doesn’t negate their past success. its own. I see my job as a leader to ensure to showcase what the buyers want. These
that it does. channels are able to target users with specific
I challenge my team to share one or more videos that are engineered to take advantage
successes with me that make them proud. Even though many sales reps are team play- of the platform they appear on.
Then I remind them that a lost deal doesn’t ers, it’s easy to focus on your own perfor-
take away all the deals they won. mance, your own metrics, and your own For example, YouTube is best suited for
prospects. If I see someone that’s struggling showcasing walk-arounds and vehicle pre-
Once we get back to a place of confidence, or someone that could use a morale boost, I views, while Twitter is most effective when
they are more open to feedback on the parts encourage seasoned reps and top perform- short videos are prioritized and pushed to
of their process that could be holding them ers to reach out to them and offer insights. the top of a targeted user’s feed.
back. They can then absorb the feedback
without it impacting their belief in them- Sales isn’t for the faint of heart, and auto- Personalized videos are the precursor to per-
selves. motive sales is particularly challenging— sonalized experiences that will stick with the
especially in a leadership role. user, and social channels are where they are
most accessible.
Encouraging your team to let go of failure
and push each other up can be an excep- The bottom line
tionally powerful way to ensure your deal- The buyer journey no longer starts in the
ership is reaching its full potential. showroom. It starts at the consumer’s own
pace, and it starts on the web. As a dealer,
Jenny Vance, executive vice president of it’s your responsibility to stay with your con-
sales at PERQ, has helped over 350 com- sumers step by step.
panies from across the world develop sales
Leverage the success of others generation strategies, including Fortune Video marketing and everything that comes
50 clients, companies with series A/B/C with it can make this process simpler. By tak-
Along with making sure that I’m encourag- funding, and early stage entrepreneurs at ing your showroom digital, it becomes more
ing my team to push forward, I also push seed stage. Jenny has a strong ability to accessible, flexible, and persuasive with the
my team to encourage and support one an- identify sales talent, cultivate leaders, scale use of sight, sound, and motion.
other. proven sales performance, and develop
aggressive ramp toward value for new em- In this day and age, those two qualities are
Although automotive sales is aggressive ployees. n priceless. n
and highly competitive, our team has goals Erik Schear is an advertising veteran with
that need to be met too. Mental toughness over 20 years of sales experience. As Eyeview’s
is a group effort in our environment. VP of sales for auto, travel, and new mar-
kets, Erik manages various components of
Eyeview’s sales team nationwide and enables
Eyeview’s partners to achieve ROI with their
video advertising spend.
42 | GIADA Independent Auto Dealer AUGUST 2017