Page 48 - GIADA Aug2017Digital
P. 48


        5 Ways to Avoid Litigation


        I enjoyed speaking to the almost 700  to lawsuits and thereby keep your expens-  customers; think of all stakeholders that
        dealers who attended the GIADA annual  es low and keep more of the money that  could have an issue with you including
        conference. As I said in my presentation,  you bring in from owning and operating  employees, finance sources, other suppli-
        I loved being a car dealer for my 23+ year  your dealership.              ers  and  even competitors. Make  sure  to
        career and I also love being a lawyer who                                 review or have your attorney review all
        primarily helps dealers. Although both  RULE 1: Be nice. NOT Passive but nice.  agreements and contracts; make sure you
        professions are often ridiculed and joked  All the planning and compliance in the  know what your responsibilities are and
        about, for the better part of both we are  world won’t substitute entirely for simply  uphold them. For example, make sure your
        in professions that are made up of good
        meaning, hard working people who are
        dedicated to serving our clients.

        At the conference, I gave the dealers an
        idea of the legal hurdles they face by way
        of an example of the size of the Georgia
        code and the fact that in 1933 the code
        was made up of only 3 volumes and today
        it’s made up of 45 volumes and growing.
        That means that business owners just like
        you must conform, comply or adhere to
        an overwhelmingly large set of laws. With
        that in mind dealers have a very important
        business decision to make regarding the
        legal aspect of their stores... Your decision
        is will you invest up front to run YOUR
        business the way YOU are required or
        will YOU flip the coin and just hope YOU
        don’t get caught, tarnish YOUR reputa-
        tion, lose YOUR customers, get in trouble,
        face criminal charges and get sued; all of
        which are extremely costly.          being nice. Even if you are not nice natu-  employees know what is expected of them
                                             rally think of the reasons that being nice is  and what their obligations to the dealer-
        In my presentation, I asked the dealers  good for your dealership and your bottom  ship are. Ask yourself if your employees
        to  think  of  compliance  as  staying  out  of  line. A few examples of being nice that will  are adhering to all rules when driving
        trouble, as essentially that is the desire of  keep you out of trouble are to address all  company vehicles, safety policies, internet
        a dealer who complies with the laws of the  customer complaints early and take them  usage, protection of customer information
        land. WARREN BUFFET SAYS: “it’s much  seriously and negotiate with customers  etc. If not, YOU are responsible for them
        easier to stay out of trouble now than to get  even if you think you are right, because it  and YOU are the one who is risking a lot
        out of trouble later” (http://www.azquotes.  often will help you limit expenses and be  of money, your livelihood and potentially
        com/quote/593753). We  can learn  from  more profitable. Being right doesn’t stop  your freedom. Have firm policies in place
        Warren Buffet and be reminded that it is  people from suing you and it can be far  and  all  required  information  available  to
        a lot less expensive to stay out of trouble  costlier than reaching an agreement early.  employees.
        by being proactive, complying with the
        laws, etc. Defending your dealership and  RULE 2: Set up your business properly.
        yourself can be expensive; keeping your  My firm has handled numerous cases this  RULE 3:  Non-disclosure is NOT a busi-
        dealership out of trouble is one of the best  year already that cost 10’s of thousands  ness plan. I can’t tell you how many times
        investments in expense control you can  of dollars for the dealers just to unravel,  a dealer has felt like the only defense they
        make.                                not even defend and litigate, partners who  needed was the “buyer’s guide” and/or the
                                             were not on the same page based on their  As-is statement. Indeed, this is one of the
        So here are 5 ways to limit your exposure  business arrangement. It’s also not just  Continued on page 48

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