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                      Your 2020 End-of-Year Strategy

                                         By Billy Reynolds, Regional Vice President, Elead

                                                                                  all the necessary steps, including touchless
                                                                                  options, to keep you safe while still getting
                                                                                  the quality vehicle service you need and

                                                                                  Develop a hybrid sales model. During
                                                                                  the pandemic we’ve seen consumers use
                                                                                  digital retailing tools at unprecedented
                                                                                  levels.  What’s  interesting  is  that  online
                                                                                  closing rates don’t correspond to lead

                                                                                  Turns out, the majority of customers still
                                                                                  want to come into the dealership to finish
                                                                                  the buying process. Marry an alternative
                                                                                  shopping experience with the  traditional
                                                                                  buying route and you have a new hybrid
                                                                                  sales model that is likely here to stay.

                                                                                  So, how do you establish a hybrid sales
        2020 has been an unexpectedly challenging  However, stores are not bulletproof and   model? First, identify the need. Are your
        year for dealers. The Coronavirus continues  the tide rises all boats.  Coronavirus factors   customers demonstrating that they want a
        to affect nearly every facet of our business.  will eventually fade away and complacent   hybrid approach? Second, identify what you
                                             dealers will have a rude awakening. To stay   are currently doing to support this need.
        But whatever the timeframe, at some point  ahead of the curve, remain alert to changing   Third, assess if you have the right people
        we will return to a sense of normalcy.  market  conditions.  Create  practical  with the right training and the right tools to
        Finishing the year strong is key to ensuring  contingency plans so you can act quickly   meet this need. If not, hire the people and
        your dealership will be able to hit the  when  used  vehicle  supply,  new  vehicle   invest in the tools. Finally, determine what
        ground running, no matter what 2021  allocations and competitive marketing   you need to do to ensure your customers
        brings.                              factors return to pre-pandemic levels.  know that you offer this hybrid approach.

        The following strategies will help you  Re-think holiday promotions. Traditionally,   Traditionally,  dealers  want  to  have  one
        navigate changing market conditions and set  now is the time to create and push out tried   process that is followed by every sales
        your dealership up for success, not just in the  and true holiday promotions. This year is   associate every time. The truth is, the
        immediate future but for years to come.  a bit different. Customers are primarily   future must be more flexible than that.
                                             concerned about health and safety.   Create a fully digital process, an in-
        Remain alert and nimble. The irony of the                                 store experience and a hybrid approach.
        pandemic is that it’s actually been good for  Focus on value branding messaging, not   Communicate that you have options and
        most stores from a profitability standpoint.  a hard sell of service. Make use of multi-  customers will be more receptive to doing
                                             channel marketing to educate customers   business with you.
        High vehicle demand and low inventory  about  how  their  safety  is top  of  mind at
        puts dealers in a power position. In this  your dealership. Explain the cleaning   Be open to new employee roles. Consumers
        market, the window sticker is king and  procedures at your store and elaborate on   who research vehicles online don’t want a
        profit margins are strong. To add to that,  your touchless sales and service options.  hard sell when they eventually reach out
        marketing is also on the back burner.                                     to your dealership. They just want their
        Many dealers have scaled back marketing  Talk about safety, but still encourage   questions answered by an expert. This
        budgets to as little as 15 percent of normal  customers to come in.  Messaging example:  change in customer shopping behavior is
        spend. This all equates to a very profitable                              beginning to be reflected in the dealership.
        semester.                            Don’t put your family, your vehicle or   We’re seeing new employee roles like sales
                                             your re-sale value at risk. We have taken   consultants, product specialists and customer

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