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experience consultants. These employees  about spending money on training only to  A robust CRM is integral to the success
        engage with customers throughout the  have employees leave a few months later.  of varied sales models. It must be able to
        process in the way the customer prefers,  This is an excellent opportunity to honestly  support different processes (digital, touchless,
        whether that’s online, on the phone, in person  assess if you’re offering an exceptional work  in-store  and  hybrid),  integrate  with  your
        or some combination of the three.    environment along with competitive pay.  systems seamlessly and automatically arrange
                                                                                  customers into an appropriate status. This
        It’s a controversial topic, but the model of one  Make sure you ask your vendors if they offer  ensures any employee who interacts with the
        employee handling a deal from initial contact  free digital or on-site training. Most do, and  customer can see the full customer journey,
        through the F&I paperwork is picking up  it would benefit you to take advantage of it.  history and preferences so they can interact
        speed in dealerships. This may be the wave of  The key is to hold your staff accountable to  with them in a personal, customized way.
        the future as customers prefer working with  attending and implementing what they learn.
        only one person vs. being handed off between  Another training tip is that the success of the  2020 continues to be a wild and crazy ride
        employees and dealerships can scale down  training is far greater when the managers  and  new  ways  of  selling and  servicing
        staff to cut costs.                  take the training with the salespeople.  vehicles are likely here to stay. The above
                                             It’s everyone’s job in the dealership to be  tips will help you finish the year strong with
        Prioritize employee training. You can never  professionals!               sales  strategies, technology, and training,
        spend too much on training, especially as                                 that will set you up for a prosperous 2021
        staff take on new roles. Use training as a  Invest in the right tools. Digital retailing is a  and beyond. n
        way to evaluate your team in light of the  hot topic that’s here to stay. It’s smart to invest
        changing market. Assess who can adapt  now in your digital showroom.  Other touchless  Billy Reynolds is a 20+ year veteran of the
        to new processes and who struggles with  technologies may also persist long term. One the  automotive industry, holding various retail
        change. To move your dealership forward,  service side, it’s worth your time to investigate  positions in sales and general management
        you have to have the right team. Training is  solutions that keep customers safe and speed up  before joining Elead. As Regional Vice
        a proven investment that will strengthen your  the process, like online appointment scheduling  President, Billy oversees the sales division
        business. However, some dealers complain  and payments via text.          located in the Southeast region of the U.S.

         Experts Share Tips for Countering

         Dealership Fraud

         “Check the driver’s license. Take 30 seconds and look up their address on Google Maps, and make
         sure it’s not an open field,” says Doug Fusco, founder and CEO of Dealer Safeguard Solutions.

         By Jim Henry

         Identity  theft,  verifying  customer  “Do you supply a notice to customers? Do  Google Maps, and make sure it’s not an
         identities  and protecting  customers’  you have template documents, template  open field,” he says.
         private information are potentially huge  notices that can be filled in? Do you have
         liabilities  for  dealerships.  Here  are  some  one  person  —  only  —  who’s  going  to   PRIVATE LINE
         tips from panelists on a recent webinar on  communicate with the media?”  Dealerships that are careless with
         dealership-level fraud by the Association  He says dealerships should rehearse how  customers’ personal information have an
         of  Dealership Compliance  Officers,  they would respond to a data breach.  “appetite for risk,” says Terry O’Laughlin,
         Colleyville, TX.                                                         director of compliance for Reynolds &
                                                       HOLD YOUR HORSES           Reynolds, Dayton, OH.
                     BE PREPARED             Doug Fusco, founder and CEO of Dealer
         Regulators expect dealerships to react  Safeguard Solutions, McKinney, TX,  Best dealership practices include tightly
         quickly and effectively after they discover  says dealerships shouldn’t get so caught  restricting access to customer information
         customer  data  has  been  exposed,  says  up in the desire to do a deal that they  and not allowing anyone access from
         Randy Henrick, president of Randy  miss obvious warning signs. “Somebody  outside the dealership, he says.
         Henrick & Associates, Oyster Bay, NY.  comes into the dealership. They’re in a
                                             hurry. They’re antsy. They want  to take  “Managers and dealers want to take
         “The FTC isn’t going to go after anybody  delivery somewhere other than their  information over the cell phone. That
         just for having a breach. But you’ve got  home or work address. Take an extra five  type of information should be very, very
         to have a plan and implement it quickly.  minutes. Check the driver’s license. Take  carefully controlled — incoming and
         That’s how the FTC will judge you,” he says.  30 seconds and look up their address on  outgoing.” n

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