Page 11 - Wurth Perfection
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Protects and shines: Tire Foam :DLW XQWLO \RX KDYH FRPSOHWHO\ ÀQLVKHG ZDVKLQJ  and treating the car before applying – the Tire  Foam I Art. No. 0890 121 and give it time to  WDNH H̄HFW  6HYHUDO DSSOLFDWLRQV ZLOO JLYH \RXU WLUHV  D EULJKW QHZ VKLQH  7KHQ ZLSH LW R̄ ZLWK D FORWK   11


                                       on rims  The perfect shine   Brake dust Stubborn brake dust is the most common problem on vehicle rims, but other types of dirt also tarnish the  vehicle’s overall appearance and require special treatment. Since rim surfaces have become increasingly  sophisticated in recent years, we recommend Premium Rim Cleaner*I Art. No. 0893 476 500.   It is acid-free and therefore suitable for all rim surfaces.   *Also available in other sizes:
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