Page 7 - Wurth Perfection
P. 7
The simple way to dissolve tar spots,
rust Àlm and tree resin Tar spots Tar spots are among the ugliest types of dirt, particularly on side sills and rims – and especially on light-colored vehicles. For this use the Tar Remover*I Art. No. 0890 26 005 ÀUVW JLYLQJ LW WLPH WR WDNH H̄HFW RQ WKH D̄HFWHG ORFDWLRQV *Also available in other sizes: 300ml I Art. No. 0890 26 Rust Àlm Würth Rust Film Remover I Art. No. 0890 130 UHPRYHV UXVW ÀOP IURP WKH ERG\Z