Page 46 - Wurth Perfection
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Liquid Green All-Purpose Cleaner (̄HFWLYH H[WUDRUGLQDU\ FOHDQLQJ SHUIRUPDQFH WKDQNV WR a new combination of active agents Multi-functional: Gentle on material and versatile 500 ml I Art. No. 0893 474 5 liters I Art. No. 0893 474 5
Intensive Rim Cleaner 3HUIHFW ERQGLQJ 'RHV QRW UXQ R̄ DOORZLQJ WKH SURGXFW WR WDNH RSWLPXP H̄HFW Perfect care: Gentle on material and surfaces Perfect freshness: pleasant, non-pungent odor 1 liters I Art. No. 0893 476 5 liters I Art. No. 0893 476 05
Cleaners and Cleaning
Basic Vehicle Cleaner Environmentally friendly: ecologically sound concentrate for basic cleaning (̄HFWLYH KLJK FOHDQLQJ SHUIRUPDQFH Measurable: can be individually tailored to the amount of dirt 5 liters I Art. No. 0893 475 20 liters I Art. No. 0893 475 1 Engine Cleaner (̄HFWLYH KLJK FOHDQLQJ SHUIRUPDQFH User-friendly: Gentle on material and especially skin-friendly 5 liters I Art. No. 0893 013 05 20
Accessories 46