Page 48 - Wurth Perfection
P. 48

Cleaning and    Polishing Cloths  MicroÀl Cleaning and Polishing Cloths Versatile: Lint-free cleaning cloth with high absorbency  Art. No. 0899 900 150  Basic Micro-Active Cloth Practical: Cleans without the use of cleaning    agents and sucks up dirt  Art. No. 0899 900 050

                                                                                                  “Pro Gloss” Micro-Active Cloth Lint-free micro-active cloth for a deep shine   without holograms   Art. No. 0899 900 139

                                                                                                  ProÀ-Duo Micro-Active Cloth Dry micro-active cloth that can be used dry,  damp and wet and that bonds dirt well  Art. No. 0899 900 138

                                                                                        Professional Micro-Active Cloth  3HUIHFW SHUIRUPDQFH  PD[LPXP FOHDQLQJ  power without using cleaning agents    3HUIHFW PDWHULDO  PD[LPXP ÀQHQHVV DQG   VWUHQJWK RI WKH ÀEHUV  blue I Art. No. 0899 900 131 red I Art. No. 0899 900 132 yellow I Art. No. 0899 900 133  48
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