P. 156
Tomáš Šula & Jan Čada
PhDr. Tomáš Šula, Ph.D., and Mgr. Jan Čada are advertising
engineers and Advertising Engineers s.r.o. is their advertising
agency. They are not from Prague but from „Baťa City“ Zlín; they
prefer beautiful Czech brands; they work for Vincentka Mineral
Water, which they also like to drink with wine and during lectu-
res at Tomas Bata University. They drive ETA vacuum cleaners
same way as they rode it as children during the totality era.
The platform can be as perfect as possible, could be overcome but only one person per
flexible and allowing you to browse through 15 m is allowed inside, including the wine-
its responsive environment using your com- maker……
puter, tablet, mobile phone… but the story In a broader sense, a story means a clear
is something you have to create yourself. It is transfer of emotion from the product. It is not
something artificial intelligence is not capable a single incident, one anecdote. It‘s a never-
of yet. The story is within your reach, you have -ending story, just like pruning the vineyard,
it in the cellar, in the vineyard, in the family al- grape harvesting, pressing, fermenting, tas-
bum; you only need to find it and pick it up! ting, bottling, pruning the vineyard and over
Wine is a drink of stories and that is the key to and over again.
communication with the customer. The basis is a unanimous but informatively
Until the coronavirus pandemic, winema- varied line of communication.
king was one of the fields that focused on the Digital communication should be a story
presentation of the product from the begi- to be continued with an infinite number of
nning to the end in the real world, in a cellar chapters. Inform the customer about the pro-
or visitor center, company store or wine shop. duct but also provide them with interesting
Those who want to survive must consider facts about your vineyard, wine region, histo-
new (actually rather old) ways to develop and ry, production and innovative solutions. Mo-
maintain communication and contact with tivate them to buy your products by evoking
their customers and often preserve the diver- emotion. Give them the feeling that they are
sity of the wine world in new conditions. a VIP customer, whom you will take even whe-
Of course, every story sounds best from the re it is not common, and share with them the
right storyteller and in an authentic environ- emotions and authenticity of your company.
ment. However, the door is closed and there is Get to know each other.
nobody to speak face to face. Although a wine Don‘t be afraid to show faces, professions
shop is a food operation, which can be opened and names. They are part of your story. In
just like any other grocery store, the veils in- short, with each contribution in communica-
terfere with tasting and communication. This tion, build a relationship.