P. 157
Simply Great
DbXQDQLPRXV Impudent PR that is
OLQH RI FRPPXQLFDWLRQ This is perhaps the best PR story I‘ve ever
Tomáš Šula encountered. It fulfills everything. It‘s „free“
(although the FleischmannHillard agency
Therefore, even in these sad times, even at that invented it is definitely not cheap), it
a distance and without shaking hands, they set the public in motion and it spread virally.
should be able to not only communicate why Journalists, from serious media to tabloids,
the wine is the right one but also to absorb adopted the topic and treated it according
feedback from the consumer while trying to to the tone of their media.
educate them in the field and entertain them „McDonald’s opened at the gates of the Va-
through online communication. Moreover, the tican, despite cardinals‘ protests“, “McDonald’s
quality of communication is not determined opened a branch at the gates of the Vatican”.
by the size of the winery but by the attitude of “Scandal, the cardinals shout!“ „McDonald‘s
the people who work there and for it. A small, feeds the hungry to reconcile the Vatican” ... You
passionate winemaker with storytelling talent weren‘t alone - the same thing was published
can have his or her communication fine-tuned all over the world: McDonald‘s branch opening
much more than large „stable“ wineries. near Vatican angers Catholic Cardinals, wrote
By the way, this is not such a common phe- The Independent adding a picture of a nun.
nomenon in the field of advertising! It is the „McDonald‘s am Vatikan eröffnet trotz Pro-
wine industry that is proof that having the testen!“
right idea and enthusiasm matter more than „Mc Donald´s Burger essen am Petersplatz.
money. McDonald‘s im Vatikan – die heiligen Speisen!“
Pamper and shape your story. It‘s nothing
but the story of your life.