P. 16
Martina Schützová CZ CEE Attorneys Partner
Lenka Sládková CZ VetroPack / 4Jan agency
Kateřina Slezáková CZ Vinolok Marketing Manager
Constantine Stergides GR Greek journalist and organizer
Prof. György Szolnoki HU Professor, University Geisenheim
Václav Šálek CZ Photographer
Radek L. Šlancar CZ CFO Ludwig Wines
Soňa Španielová CZ Lecturer Business Institut EDU
Tomáš Šula CZ Tomáš Baťa University
Dominique Tourneix F CEO DIAM Bouchage
Gary Vaynerchuk US Marketing guru, VaynerX
Bonnie Villacampa US Founder Texas International IWC
Herwin Wichers IRL Development Manager Smurfi t Kappa
Réal Wolfe CDN President Sélections Mondiales des Vins
William Wouters B President ASI
Ron Yates US Winemaker, Texas
Chris Yorke GB CEO Austrian Wine Marketing Board
... and maybe others that we forgot to mention. We are sorry! Nobody´s perfect.
We want to thank our sponsors and advertisers,
without whom the book would not look the way it does now..
Wine Fund of the Czech Republic
Wine from Moravia, Wine from Bohemia
CIVA - Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins d‘Alsace
Deutsche Wein Marketing
Berliner Wein Trophy
Vetropack Moravia Glass
Vinselekt Michlovský, Rakvice
Ludwig Winery, Němčičky
Volařík Winery, Mikulov