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culture of serving it and uniting food with wine winemakers are also very competitive. In 2020
is already high and growing. There are several alone, their wines won more than 1,000 pla-
magazines published on the topic of wine as tinum, gold and silver medals at internatio-
well as popular radio and television series that nal competitions on all continents! Last year,
are broadcasted. our new frost-proof hybrid crossing Hibernal
Because the area of vineyards is suffi cient became the champion of one of the world‘s
to provide wine for only 1/3 of the 10 million largest competitions, the Concours Mondial
Czechs and Moravians, we have to import 2/3. de Bruxelles competition.
The Czech market is so rich! I counted wines In recent years, wine from the Leoš Horák
from 42 countries on it! Also, sparkling wi- winery has become the category champion at
nes are becoming increasingly popular. The Vinalies Internationales in Paris not once, but
average consumption is just over 20 liters of twice! Josef Valihrach has twice won the Best
wine per person per year. Chardonnay in the World title at Chardonnay
We have two viticultural high schools and du Monde in France, and we have won the
one Viticultural Faculty at Mendel University. Terravino Israel seven times. We have thirteen
Just like famous Czech athletes, Olympic Ga- wine variety champion titles from Mondial des
mes winners and World Champions Petra Kvi- Vins Blancs in Strasbourg, several from awc-
tová (tennis), Martina Navrátilová (tennis), Ester -vienna, from San Francisco, from Bacchus in
Ledecká (alpine ski, snowboard), Štěpánka Hil- Madrid, from the Decanter in London or from
gertová (kayaking), Martina Sáblíková (speed- Rochester on the shores of Lake Ontario.
skating), Jarmila Kratochvílová (world record Moravia is a paradise for wine tourism.
in the 800 meters run), Jan Železný (javelin), We hold a world record of 1,200 kilometers
Jaromír Jágr, Dominik Hašek (ice hockey), Ivan of marked wine hiking and biking trails con-
Lendl (tennis), Tomáš Rosický (soccer), Zde- necting individual winemaking villages. It is
něk Kreuziger (cycling), Lukáš Krpálek (judo), breathtaking! Bohemia and Moravia are beau-
Czech’s National ice hockey team or Czech tiful pieces of the world that are not only worth
truck drivers have been competing for the visiting and our wines are worth tasting, they
highest places in Paris-Dakar for 20 years, our are also ready for international trade! ƅ