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        outweighs the formal citation requirement.  FREEDOM OF SPEECH
        This is not a university paper but a book for  IS IMPORTANT FOR US

        practice, which offers free advice to those who   We are neither racists nor anti-Semites,
        need it. If we made any mistakes, we apologize  homophobes, machos or feminists.  We are
        to the authors in advance - it was for the good  normal people and we express ourselves nor-
        of the cause.                            mally.  When I write that someone is a Jew,
          This also applies to illustrations, where we  I mean just as much that he is a Jew and no-
        received the text from the respondents but  thing else. I have been visiting Israel since
        we had to search for illustrations, including  1992 and I feel at home there. And I love Je-
        their portraits, among freely available images  wish jokes as much as my friends in Israel.

        on the Internet, so we simply don‘t know their   When I write that Ntsiki is the first black fe-
        authors. We believe that they put their works  male winemaker in South Africa, I mean exactly
        on the Internet for others to see and we only  that she is black, she is a woman and that she is
        put their efforts into our context.      a winemaker. And that she is good winemaker.

                                                    And when I compare wine to a sunbathing
          FEEL FREE TO SHARE IT!                 young man or a juicy young girl, I consider it
          Another remark concerns the same topic  perfectly normal - at least for our generation,
        the other way around.                    when girls wore miniskirts to make their boys
          This book was created for the benefi t  of  look at their legs (and even better, to look
        winemakers and and traders and we provide  under their skirts), when we snuggled with
        it completely free of charge, making it freely  them in the passages and they then had dirty
        available. It is published in various formats,  white T-shirts - and it was normal. Then we had
        each of which has its advantages and disa-  nice children and tender memories. Don‘t try

        dvantages. The animated version is beautiful,  to find anything else in the text than what you
        convenient, it directly opens links, it is cross-  are actually reading; we just won‘t get used
        -platform and you should be able to display it  to the current modern hyper-correctness. My
        on any device, starting from PCs and laptops  father died at almost ninety after a long stay
        to tablets and smartphones - but it does not  in the hospital but even at that age he had
        allow you to copy the text.              a word ready for each nurse, which made her
          There are editions made for various types of  blush and which pleased her. All nurses on the
        digital readers. We‘ve even taken our time to  whole floor loved him.

        generate an .exe file that you can work with
        offline anytime and anywhere. It has been   IT´S ALL ABOUT HUMANITY

        checked by the most powerful antivirus pro-  Don‘t look for technological advice here. I‘ve
        gram - the Slovak made ESET!             been learning that all my life from you, wine-
          If you want to print or copy the text, you  makers.
        must download a Print PDF from the following   However, if you read this e-Book to the end,
        link:  you will know more about how and where
        PRINTNEWNORMAL.pdf, which we also provi-  to communicate at this time, how to build
        de to everyone completely free of charge.  a brand, how to work with prices and what
          We give our consent in advance to any fur-  would probably be worth changing or inno-
        ther use for the purpose of training, education  vating in production, distribution or in your
        and for the needs of your association. We only  visitor center.
        ask that the citations be marked as follows:   And we believe that you will gain a lot of
        NEW NORMAL, Lubos Barta et al., GastroPress  energy and optimism during reading.
        Publishing 2021.                           We keep our fingers crossed for you! ƅ

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