P. 22
Before we get started, read a few techni- of the QR code will appear on the screen. If it‘s
cal notes. a link to a video or webpage, like in our case,
QR CODES you just need to click on it to enter, without
There will be a simi- having to rewrite links like
lar square in many pla-
ces in the text - the QR pqCM5X0AA&list=PLMr9aynpnsfLjhXhFHq-
„quick response“ code. Z80OwnKgVMw_WZ
In the animated ver- That would be hard for
sion of this e-book, you...
we used QR codes to If you don‘t have a mo-
make buttons you can use to open an external bile reader app yet,
application. download any from the
If you work with a print PDF, you must use Google Play Store or
the QR code itself, so you need to have a mobi- Appstore. If you want
le phone with a camera and a QR code reader a tip, I use the app from TeaCapps but there
installed. An activated internet connection is are more and all of them are alike. Without a
required to view web or mobile site links. reader, illustrative videos and links will remain
The standard originated in Japan but is now inaccessible.
commonly used around the world. It can con-
tain text of up to 4296 characters and numbers THE MOST IMPORTANT THING
but also links to Internet addresses, complete IS A TRUE INFORMATION QUICKLY
information for submitting a bank order, it can The second remark concerns the informati-
send SMS and has many other functions. Most on used and the sources cited. Where possible,
QR reader applications can also decode EAN we try to list the sources we used. When we
barcodes. use more extensive citations, we have asked
It is then very easy to use. Launch the QR the consent of the authors or their publishers.
reader application on your phone, point the However, we admit that our eff ort to get im-
camera at the QR code and then the contents portant information to you as soon as possible