P. 29
attacked by mildew that was caused by a rainy
summer. Bad weather was also fought against
by winemakers in Italy where a part of the har-
vest was ruined by frost in spring already and
heavy storms in summer. It is similar with pro-
ducers in other parts of Europe as well. On the
contrary, summer heatwaves and drought in
some French regions brought a better harvest
exceeding their greatest expectations. They
say French Bordeaux has not ever had better
conditions and it will be worth it this year.
This, however, cannot really change the fact
that markets in all countries mentioned above
are decimated and apart from anti-epidemic
measures, that closed restaurants, bars as well
as airport shops in many states, there are also
the relationships of Europe with its biggest
selling market of continental wines, the USA,
that have reflected badly on it.
The so-called Trump 25% tariffs imposed
by the United States on the import of French,
Spanish and German wines are still valid, and
it seems that in the foreseeable future nothing the coronavirus crisis brought to their knees
will change even with the arrival of the new winemakers need to be thrown a lifeline as
president Joe Biden’s administration. For in- fast as possible. Yesterday it was late.
stance France, that sells up to a quarter of European institutions are aware of it.
its wines and liquors to the USA, has already It is no wonder as the European Union is
counted up the damages and report that its the world’s greatest producer of wine and
export compared to last year tumbled by 13.9 the average annual production reached 167
percent to 12.1 billion euros. The export of million hectolitres between 2014 and 2018.
champagne and cognac, which represent the In the territory of the EU states, there are
greatest items, in both cases slumped by more 45 % of world’s winegrowing regions which
than 20 percent last year. supply 65 % of all production, 60 % of con-
sumption and 70 % of export. There was the
STRONG EUROPEAN MARKET very first common organisation of the mar-
The upcoming year will be extremely diffi- ket in 1962 already and the latest significant
cult for winemakers across Europe. We cannot reforms took place in 2008 and 2013. Their
command the vagaries of the weather and goals were clear. In the first place to simplify,
pandemic proves to be such a mighty oppo- clarify and increase the efficiency of the mar-
nent that it will take some time to fight it off ket-management rules, maintain the best
completely. Closing down the economy, or its traditions of European winemaking and help
total lockdown, is the ultimate solution though reinforce the position of our winemakers on
but for states the hospitals of which report be- the market both inside and outside the EU.
ing full and having completely exhausted staff Every year, every EU country receives a fixed
on their last legs, it is often the only possible amount of money from the budget of the EU
means of protection. Like other sectors which that they can use.