P. 30


          INSUFFICIENT HELP?                       The Italians (and many others) confirm it.
          However, there is more to be done now. Wi-  Their wines have been very popular in former
        nemakers report financial problems, troubles  Eastern Bloc countries for a long time and the
        with cash flows caused by the disruption of  COVID-19 pandemic has only emphasised this
        supply chains and closing of some markets,  trend. In 2019, consumers from Poland, the
        mainly restaurants, bars and hotels.  Wine-  Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania,
        makers in Spain had to watch their harvest  Bulgaria, the Baltic states and Ukraine purcha-
        rotting in fields as the traditional grape pic-  sed foreign wines worth 1.335 billion euros.
        kers from Balkan countries did not arrive be-  Almost a third of them (26 %) represented wi-
        cause of border closures or strict conditions  nes from Italian regions. In the first months of
        concerning travelling this year. Producers in  the pandemic starting, the export of Italian wi-
        Italy experienced a similar situation because  nes to these countries increased by 4.3 % and
        seasonal workers from the Balkan countries  Prosecco is an overall winner.
        were missing in vineyards owing to the same   Examples of good practice are not unco-
        reasons. Let us add unexpected and substan-  mmon at our place either. It followed from
        tial costs related to the implementation of  a survey that was carried out in two thousand
        safety measures at workplaces and omnipre-  Czech winemakers and wineries by a company
        sent risk that employees can be quarantined  named Focus in autumn that the Czechs have
        anytime.                                 not given up the fight with the pandemic ei-
          Moreover, the wine market in the European  ther. Almost half of the addressed winemakers,
        Union faced worsening conditions already in  or more precisely 46 % of them, said that be-
        2019 and this is why wine stocks are on the  cause of the situation they had to look for new
        highest level of the last decades. The reason is  ways of distribution of their wines and another
        mainly the combination of the record harvest  36 % of winemakers stated they changed their
        in 2018 and generally a decrease of wine con-  sales strategies. The loss will not uphold it, yet
        sumption in the whole EU27.              it indicates one thing. We can be proud of wi-
          This is why the EU institutions have already  nemakers in Europe. They deserve it. ƅ
        accepted urgent temporary measures several
        times in the course of last year to counterba-
        lance market distortions. Last time it was this
        February. Basically, this means relaxing the
        existing rules for granting support, for exam-
        ple enabling continuous reimbursement of
        not-yet-finished projects and highly-valued
        flexibility for the EU members that in case of
        need can derogate from these rules now. It
        may be just a small compensation but every-
        thing counts.
          People already say that Europe is undergo-
        ing the deepest economic crisis since the end
        of the Second World War and it will take some
        time before it is back on its feet at full strength
        again. But we can also hear that every crisis is
        an opportunity.
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