P. 38


          As at-home consumption increasingly be-  Consumer behaviour has changed and
        comes an occasion in itself, brand owners  restarted to some extent. We expect succes-
        will need to re-evaluate their balance of in-  sful companies to value their products and
        vestments between bricks & mortar and on-  services based on their true value. They will
        -premise channel splits. Plans will need to be  conduct extensive surveys to better under-
        adapted to take into account a  smaller on-  stand how the pandemic has affected their
        -trade sector, which is especially important for  employees, customers, but also the industry
        product activation strategies.           in which they do  business. Smart marketers
          So far, the type of drink that people are pur-  apply this knowledge not only to their strate-
        chasing is also changing, with spirits especially  gies for 2021, but also to long-term plans.
        gin and whiskey gaining in popularity in the
        UK. Following CGA, among those buying drink  NEW FORMATS
        online, 40% ordered wine – the top choice.   Changes in shopping and drinking patterns
        Lager came next, followed by gin.        during the pandemic have led to a  shift to-
                                                 wards large packaging formats, such as bag-
        E-COMMERCE NEW NEEDS                     -in-box, and small packaging formats, such as
          Coronavirus literally forced companies to de-  cans. Canned wine in particular has been mo-
        liver respectively products and services. They  ving towards broader consumer acceptance
        have adopted digital channels in their marke-  for some time, and this trend has been haste-
        ting and thus accelerated the digital transfor-  ned by the pandemic.
        mation. It has been in vogue since March 2020,   Bag-in-box wine sales are booming in the
        and companies of all sizes are investing hea-  US, UK, and Japan, while canned wine is perfor-
        vily in the transition to digital platforms. Spe-  ming well in the US, UK, and Australia – which
        cifically, for e-commerce, chatbots, e-mails,  are, not coincidentally, strong RTD markets as
        applications, artificial intelligence, predictive  well. While the expansion of the bag-in-box
        analytics, omnichannel marketing and aug-  format is largely seen as a  temporary trend
        mented or virtual reality. Brands that embra-  driven by lockdown shopping habits and con-
        ce new technologies and provide consumers  sumers’ desire to stock up, canned wine has
        with a pleasant and seamless experience will  longer term appeal.
        rise to leadership positions after a pandemic.   Sparkling wine, and Prosecco in particular
           Although e-commerce structures are more  (so easily available in cans!), has spearheaded
        complex in the US, we will start to see more  the diversification of wine’s consumption
        alignment in the three-tier system, with  occasions.  The category has steadily moved
        a  move towards easier solutions for brand  away from its one-dimensional image as
        owners to reach consumers online.        a special celebratory drink to align with more
          Brand owners will also want to own the con-  regular occasions, such as the aperitivo hour.
        sumer experience, and we will likely see a rise   The format has been a  vehicle for recruit-
        of white label e-commerce platform services  ment, bringing younger consumers into the
        as well as a  push toward state legislation to  space – something brands can capitalise on in
        allow for direct-to-consumer shipping whe-  the year ahead. In particular, these millennial
        re not currently allowed. Access to consumer  LDA drinkers are drawn to canned wine’s con-
        data will be a  key consideration for brand  venience, versatility, environmental creden-
        owners evaluating their e-commerce strate-  tials, portion control, and fresh marketing
        gies as well. Strong pressure can be expected  approach.
        to change the legislation in countries that still   “Although wine suffered heavily from the eco-
        hinder the direct sale and transport of alcohol.  nomic and on-trade downturn, the low-tempo
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