Page 53 - PNMRT AnnRpt 2020
P. 53

      Te Rōpu Raranga o Manaia
Another active group, the weavers meet every Thursday night at Hīkoikoi and hold noho periodically. The Chairman pointed out the three kete that the Trust holds as an example of the beautiful work that they do. Takiri Cotterill, one of the Trustees is heavily involved in the weaving group.
Te Puna Ihi Manaaki Reo Classes
The reo classes are run at Hīkoikoi every Tuesday, and a reo hub has been created that runs for the entire day. They work with school children on waiata, hold kaumātua reo classes, and staff classes, they have a reo library, and hold adult classes in the evening from 6-9pm during school term.
The map of Trust properties was displayed on the powerpoint.
New Developments
The Chairman advised that there are new developments that the Trust is working on. The Early Childcare Centre, the extension to Metlifecare, Baxters, and the Rangitikei Street development.
New Development Childcare Centre
The Chairman expressed her disappointment at the lengthy process required to get the resource consent through. She met with the Mayor and some action has been taken to improve processes. An application for resource consent was completed last year and the Chairman indicated that the Trust should have building consent by Tuesday and the build could then begin within the next month.
The tenant currently has a childcare centre in one of the Trusts old villas on Nash Street and the intention is to move them the centre into the new build.
Palmerston North Ma¯ori Reserve Trust

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