Page 54 - PNMRT AnnRpt 2020
P. 54
New Development Metlifecare
The Chairman advised that the new development to build 39 villas with Metlifecare was underway. Resource consent has been submitted to Council. The Trust will continue to be a 50/50 joint venture in the extended facility. The Trust provides the land and Metlifecare match that dollar for dollar, and the joint venture company is talking with banks to support the rest of the development. The team are looking at building methods and prefabricated buildings could well be built in Petone and moved up to the site.
New Development Baxters
The Manager at Baxters has been inundated with requests for accommodation from overseas students who are completing their doctorate and have families. The Trust is in discussion with Massey University on the requirements. This development would join up with the existing student accommodation at Baxters.
New Development Rangitikei Street
The land on Rangitikei Street has been cleared in preparation for a build. The development will be a three shop complex and we are currently in negotiations with two potential tenants.
Wharewaka o Pōneke Enterprises
The Wharewaka on Wellington’s waterfront offers waka and walking tours, conferencing as well as an onsite café. A short video about the Wharewaka was then played.
It is hereby resolved that beneficial owners receive the report from the Chairman and Trustees as presented.
Poiria Love Erskine
James Makowharemahihi
Palmerston North Ma¯ori Reserve Trust