Page 52 - PNMRT AnnRpt 2020
P. 52

Succession Hui
On 13 and 14 June five Trustees travelled to Taranaki for Succession Hui which were held in Waitara, New Plymouth and Hawera. The Māori Land Court, Te Korowai o Nga Ruahine Trust, Parinihihi ki Waitotara were also at the hui to provide advice. The hui proved to be very valuable and the intention is to hold a hui at the Top of the South later this year.
The Chairman advised that every month the Māori Land Court hold clinics around the rohe, and the Trusts host monthly hui at Hīkoikoi.
Kathleen Thompson was introduced to owners so that they could identify her as the person that manages the database. The Chairman advised that at an earlier annual general meeting it was decided to accumulate dividend amounts until the accumulated payment reached $50 for owners in NZ, and $100 for owners overseas has been working well.
Te Rōpu Kaumātua Hīkoikoi
The kaumātua group meeting regularly on Mondays and participate in various activities such as mirimiri, visits to Matiu Island and other places of interest, te reo classes, and for weekly networking. The Chairman noted that Pauline and Billie Owen who attend kaumatua hui were present at this meeting. Cherie Douglas was introduced to owners as the person that looks after the kaumātua who meet on Mondays.
Hīkoikoi Waka Ama Club
The Waka Ama Club is also based at Hīkoikoi and continues to be active with a number of students from colleges within the region that are involved in waka ama. Some of those young people that are in waka ama move on to work with us at the Wharewaka as tour guides.
Palmerston North Ma¯ori Reserve Trust

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