Page 28 - Ches User's Guide 2018 v1.4
P. 28

Additional Benefits

               Employee Assistance Program                         Advocacy Services

               Chesapeake cares about you and your                 Health care and insurance can be very
               family. We recognize that personal                  confusing and costly. Making the wrong

               problems can affect job performance                 decision, or even the right decision at
               by causing stress, absence from                     the wrong time can be frustrating and
               work and difficulty focusing. The                   extremely expensive. Chesapeake wants
               employee assistance program offered                 to make sure you and your family have

               through Guidance Resources is a free,               as much support as possible as you
               confidential counseling and referral                navigate the complex world of insurance
               service that can help you and your family           and medical benefits.
               cope with life’s challenges.                        The company has partnered with

                                                                   Advocacy Services to assist you and your

                                                                   family in a wide range of services.

                                                                   Advocacy is available to you and your
               Tuition Reimbursement
                                                                   family at no charge and all employees
               Chesapeake is committed to continuous               may take advantage of this free service.
               improvement through education and
               development, and supports employees                 Adoption Assistance
               who want the same. To be eligible to                Chesapeake provides an adoption
               participate in the tuition reimbursement            assistance benefit to help employees

               program, you must be a full-time                    with qualified adoption expenses. To be
               employee with at least one year of                  eligible, you must be a regular, full-time
               continuous service.                                 or part- time employee (nonunion), have

                                                                   been employed by the company for at
               Military Differential Pay
                                                                   least one year and have worked at least
               Full-time employees who have completed              1,250 hours in the previous 12 months.
               at least one year of continuous                     Please contact the Chesapeake Benefits
               employment and are called to active                 Service Center at 1-844-730-8906 or
               duty or military training for 30 or more            log on to

               continuous days are eligible for Military           and use the system email or chat feature
               differential Pay.
                                                                   for assistance.

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