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P. 22

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              shareholder who provide it even after the fall in shale producers’ shares. Watch your step.
                  106. What is the first paragraph all about?

                  A. MC Escher drawings are about supervillain deathtraps and states of exceeding

                  B. It is a metaphor that indicates the oil market.
                  C. It tells us nothing but the MC Escher drawings.

                  D. The floor keeps slipping and sliding in a room.
                  107. What does the underlined word “predicament” in the first paragraph mean?
                  A. Dilemma                                B. Statement

                  C. Precaution                             D. Prediction
                  108. According to paragraph 1 to 3, the author thinks $80 or $70 might be the lowest

              price because ______.
                  A. oil price has already collapsed and the floor is not too far down

                  B. financing US shale oilfields expansion needs capital or OPEC producers need to
              balance public spending with revenue

                  C. political tensions would cause the supply to decline
                  D. the US oil is already holding at $82 a barrel
                  109. According to the passage, which one of the following is not true?

                  A. Saudi Arabia’s government revenue is far behind its spending.
                  B. Shale technology may also impact oil markets.

                  C. Producers will continue to prefer land grabs to keeping costs.
                  D. Saudi Arabia may not cover its public spending with oil revenue.

                  110. What is the passage mainly about?
                  A. The floor of the oil price is not far down.

                  B. OPEC producers may balance public spending with revenue.
                  C. Sovereign financing, shale technology and economics will impact oil market.
                  D. Oil price is falling but we are not sure where the bottom is.

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