Page 13 - AfrElecl Week 30
P. 13

AfrElec                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                            AfrElec

       to achieve 75% electrification by 2035,” says
         Multidisciplinary consultancy firm,
       Norplan Tanzania, and Tanzania Photomap
       are to act as subcontractors to Multiconsult
       for the projects which will begin immediately
       and are expected to be completed by the third
       quarter of 2021.
         With a shared location in the Njombe
       region, the Rumakali and Rhuhudji projects
       have the potential to double the total installed
       hydropower capacity in Tanzania, from 562
       MW to 1.142 MW.

       HYDRO                               SOL AR                               SOL AR

       Al-Sisi rules out military          Lumos secures Dutch                  China wins first CSP project
       action on GERD                      funding for solar home               in Zambia

       Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi ruled   systems in Côte d’Ivoire  The Zambian subsidiary of the Chinese giant
       out resorting to military action to settle the                           Sinohydro has been chosen to carry out the
       Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)   Solar home system provider, Lumos,   civil engineering work for the construction of
       crisis, emphasising that negotiations are the   has secured new funding from Dutch   the Kalulushi solar concentration plant (SCP)
       only way to solve the issue.        entrepreneurial development bank, FMO, to   in the copper belt province.
         During remarks made to reporters on July   expand its provision of solar home systems in   Chinese state-owned Sinohydro is the
       28, Sisi said that Egypt wishes Ethiopia success  Côte d’Ivoire.         world’s 14th largest hydropower engineering
       in generating electricity through the dam, but   The new funding will enable Lumos to   and construction company. The project is
       wants it to happen without harming Egypt’s   produce tens of thousands of solar home   being developed by the Independent Power
       water interests and its share in the Nile’s   systems to grow its existing customer base and   Producer (IPP) Margam Valley Solar Energy
       waters.                             meet fast-growing demand from homes and   Corporation.
         The negotiations surrounding the GERD   businesses across the country. Approximately   In Zambia, the results of the tender to
       occupy the minds of millions of Egyptians,   9mn people (33% of the population) in Côte   carry out the civil works for the Kalulushi
       for whom the Nile is a lifeline, and there are   d’Ivoire live without access to the grid.  Concentrating Solar Power Plant (CSP) were
       occasional calls by some Egyptians to solve   It is estimated that 200,000 people will   recently made public. The Zambian subsidiary
       the issue via military action.      benefit from access to energy through the   of the Chinese company Sinohydro has been
         Sisi responded to these views in his talk   distribution solar home systems.  appointed to execute this civil works contract.
       today and expressed his understanding   The solar technology will enable people to   The Kalulushi CSP solar power plant
       regarding Egyptians’ concerns, saying: “Do   switch from dangerous, expensive kerosene   construction project is being developed by a
       make threats and idle talk. I respect every   lanterns to reliable, clean energy, contributing   consortium formed by Margam Valley Solar
       opinion, but don’t say we’ll do such and such   to economic growth and sustainable   Energy Corporation, Afrisolar Power and
       a thing.”                           development in the West African country.  EnergyLine Zambia.
         “Egyptians are worried, and I say that your   Solar home systems offer a unique power   The future concentrating power plant
       concerns are legitimate, and that I am with   solution to a global market of more than 2bn   will be built on a 450 hectare site located 1
       you,” Sisi said.                    people. Currently, there are 740mn people   km from the Kitwe Chingola Road in the
         “We are negotiating, and this is a battle   with poor or no access to the electricity grid in  Kalulushi District, Copperbelt Province,
       that will take time, because we will not sign   sub-Saharan Africa.      Zambia. The complex will be made up of
       anything that isn’t in our interest,” he added.  Renee Comoe Seka, CEO at Lumos Côte   mirrors that will concentrate the sun’s rays to
         “We always say to our brothers in Ethiopia   d’Ivoire, commented: “Access to reliable   heat a thermal fluid that will turn turbines to
       and Sudan that we respect you, and are   energy is critical for economic growth.   produce 200 MW of electricity.
       concerned about your right to life, as we are   The new funding from FMO will enable   According to Akapelwa Akapelwa, the
       about ours. You have the right to generate   hundreds of thousands of people to benefit   director of Margam Valley Solar Energy
       electricity, and we wish you success with all   from reliable, sustainable and affordable   Corporation, the consortium of which his
       love and good intent. But on the condition   energy. FMO is a pioneering institution   company is a member plans to generate a
       that this doesn’t affect the amount of water   and shares our commitment to harness the   total of 400 MW of electricity from thermo-
       coming to us. We have talked about this   market demand and lift people out of poverty.   dynamic solar energy in the Copperbelt
       during both bilateral and tripartite meetings,”   Our joint ambition is to provide power for   province, adding to the share of renewable
       Sisi said.                          everyone.”                           energy in Zambia’s electricity mix.

       Week 30   30•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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