Page 8 - AfrElecl Week 30
P. 8

AfrElec                                GAS-FIRED GENERATION                                           AfrElec

       US Eximbank to provide largest portion

       of $14.9bn Mozambique LNG loan

        MOZAMBIQUE       THE US Export-Import Bank (Eximbank) is  the onshore and offshore portions of the project.
                         set to make the largest individual contribu-  It noted that its board of directors had authorised
                         tion to a nearly $15bn credit package that the  the release of funds for onshore work, which will
                         Mozambique LNG consortium is using to fund  primarily involve the construction of a gas lique-
                         its project.                         faction plant, in September 2019. The board then
                           The US export credit agency (ECA) said in  revised its authorisation in May 2020 to permit
                         a press release last week that it had signed the  the release of funds for offshore work, which will
                         initial documents authorising a direct loan of  mainly involve the development of the offshore
                         $4.7bn to Mozambique LNG. This is equivalent  Area 1 block.
                         to around 31.54% of the credit package, which   Mozambique LNG has already started to
                         is worth a total of $14.9bn. It is also the largest  build an onshore gas liquefaction plant on the
                         single portion of the package, which is being  Afungi Peninsula in northern Mozambique. This
                         extended by a group that includes seven other  onshore facility will process natural gas from
                         ECAs and 19 commercial banks.        Area 1, an offshore block in the Rovuma Basin.
                           According to the bank, the loan agreement  It will eventually have two production trains,
                         will benefit the US economy. Mozambique LNG  each with a capacity of 6.44mn tonnes per year,
                         intends to use Eximbank’s portion of the credit  and the first train is due to come on stream in
                         package to cover the cost of goods and services  2024. The cost of the project has been estimated
                         provided by US companies, it stated.  at $20bn.
                           “Once additional documents are finalised   Equity in the Mozambique LNG consor-
                         and conditions are satisfied, EXIM’s financing  tium is divided between Total E&P Mozam-
                         will support a forecasted 16,700 US jobs at 68  bique Area 1, the operator, with 26.5%; two
                         suppliers located in eight states – Florida, Geor-  Japanese companies, Mitsui and Japan Oil, Gas
                         gia, Louisiana, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsyl-  and Metals National Corp. (JOGMEC), with
                         vania, Tennessee and Texas – and the District  20%; Bharat Petroleum (India), with 15%; Beas
                         of Columbia,” it added. “Follow-on sales are  Rovuma Energy Mozambique (a 60:40 joint
                         expected to support thousands of additional jobs  venture between ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) and
                         across the United States.”           Oil India Ltd, or OIL), with 10%; Mozambique’s
                           Eximbank went on to say Mozambique LNG  national oil company (NOC) ENH, with 10%;
                         would be using US goods and services for both  and PTTEP (Thailand), with 8.5%.™

                                                         SOL AR

       EIB to lend $12.5mn to boost

       off-grid solar in Uganda

        POLAND           THE European Investment Bank is to lend  to agree new support for scaling up off-grid
                         $12.5mn to France’s Engie to fund the installa-  solar deployment in East Africa under this new
                         tion of 240,000 solar home systems in Uganda    partnership with ENGIE.  Over a million people
                           Engie subsidiary Fenix International is to  across Uganda will be able to access electricity for
                         provide a range of solar kits that use the pay-as-  the first time that will power communications,
                         you-go (PAYGO) financing model, with the loan  provide light and make cooking easier. This
                         money available in local currency.   scheme will also reduce use of kerosene, charcoal
                           The project aims to scale up off-grid solar  and candles to help families save money, reduce
                         power in a bid to transforming energy access in  pollution and reduce the risk of accidents..” said
                         rural areas across Africa.           Ambroise Fayolle, European Investment Bank
                           In Uganda, 80% of people do not have access  Vice President.
                         to electricity, and providing off-grid solar kits   “Our new partnership with the European
                         can raise access-to-power levels and provide  Investment Bank in Uganda will allow Fenix
                         clean, decentralised energy that does not require  to provide ultra-affordable PAYGO systems to
                         access to the unreliable national grid.  millions of people in villages across the coun-
                           “The European Investment Bank is pleased  try. This will provide access to clean solar power

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   30•July•2020
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