Page 19 - GLNG Week 29 2020
P. 19

GLNG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

         On July 20, 2020 the company launches   MIDDLE EAST                    encountered – will be used to optimise jacket
       non-binding Market Screening for new                                     platform pile foundation design, and pipeline
       transmission capacities in the National   Fugro completes Phase 1 of     and cable-route engineering, in Qatar’s North
       Transmission System (NTS), which may be                                  Field.
       made available as a result of making available   site investigation contract   Gerard Ferreira, Fugro’s Director for
       regasification capacities of LNG Terminal                                Marine Geophysics in the Middle East,
       FSRU type along with its integration with the   for Qatargas North Field  said: “Continuing from previous projects
       transmission system by creating a Physical                               for Qatargas’ North Field Production, this
       Entry Point from the LNG Terminal to the   Fugro has completed the first phase of their   latest project benefits from more efficient
       NTS. The floating storage and regasification   multidisciplinary offshore site investigation   processing and in-country mobilisation of
       unit (FSRU) will be located in the area of   for Qatargas’ North Field Production   assets, demonstrating how we constantly
       Gdansk                              Sustainability’s Compression Phase.  strive to improve our services for clients such
         It is assumed that the new LNG Terminal   The fieldwork started in March and,   as Qatargas to provide sustainable solutions in
       will allow regasification of at least 4.5bn m3   while phase one marks completion of the   an ever-changing industry.“
       per year, but the final decision on the technical  geophysical scope, the geotechnical scope in   The North Field is the largest non-
       capacities of the LNG regasification terminal,   phase two will run as planned until August   associated gas field in the world and is located
       and thus offered capacity, will depend largely   this year. The fieldwork is being performed   80 nautical miles off the north coast of Qatar.
       on market interest submitted under this   by in-country project teams from Fugro’s   FUGRO, July 21, 2020
       procedure and then confirmed in the binding   dedicated vessels Proteus and Adventurer
       phase of the market demand survey.  and includes cone penetration testing and
       GAZ-SYSTEM, July 21, 2020           P-S logging results. The final deliverables –
                                           comprising a bathymetric and geophysical
                                           survey and a geotechnical appraisal of the soils

       Week 29   24•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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