Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 37
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

       Dominican Republic pushing

       ahead with gas hub plan

       AES Dominicana says tests of its floating storage programme have shown positive results

                         GOVERNMENT officials in the Dominican   new president – the centrist Luis Abinader,
                         Republic have been saying for years that they   who succeeded the left-leaning Danilo Manila
       WHAT:             want to see their country become the main hub   in mid-August – appears to be as keen on the
       Tests show that floating   for LNG trade in the Caribbean basin.  scheme as his predecessors have been.
       storage will help the AES   They have backed plans to use the Andrés   He is also fortunate enough to have taken
       subsidiary use the Andrés   LNG import terminal at Caucedo, launched   office at a time when the country is actually
       LNG terminal to re-export   by the local affiliate of US-based AES Corp. in   moving forward on the LNG front.
       and transship gas.  2003, as the basis for a coastal natural gas com-
                         plex. The proposed facility would be capable of   Floating storage tests
       WHY:              importing LNG for regasification and domestic   Earlier this week, AES Dominicana said it had
       These test results buoy   consumption and also of re-exporting LNG to   finished testing plans for using floating stor-
       the country’s hopes of   other countries in the region.  age as an integral component of the LNG hub
       becoming a regional gas   Dominican officials have touted gas as a more   scheme.
       hub.              environmentally friendly alternative to residual   In a statement, the company said it had
                         fuel oil (RFO), the heavy petroleum product that   launched the testing programme to assess the
       WHAT NEXT:        has long been the main feedstock for Caribbean   feasibility of using a methane tanker to store,
       Co-operation with AES   thermal power plants (TPPs). Additionally, they   export and transship LNG from the Andrés ter-
       Colón could be followed
       by negotiations with other   have described the region as an ideal destination   minal. The programme involved the hiring of a
       gas suppliers looking   for US gas producers seeking new markets.  methane tanker – the Golar Seal, with a storage
       for market share in the   So far, progress towards this goal has not been   capacity of 160,000 cubic metres – on a tempo-
       Caribbean.        swift. Nevertheless, the Dominican Republic’s   rary basis.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   17•September•2020
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