Page 19 - AfrOil Week 50 2020
P. 19

AfrOil                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                              AfrOil

       The West African Gas Pipeline intersects the  the Company has in the past been able to receive  markets.
       northwest part of the licence. There are currently  multiple extensions on outstanding payments   Eni has been present since 1981in Algeria,
       five partners in the licence: Yinka Folawiyo  and remains hopeful of a mutually acceptable  where currently operates 32 mining permits and
       Petroleum Co. Ltd, New Age Exploration Nige-  solution being reached between the Parties. To  where its equity production is 80,000 barrels of
       ria Ltd, Pan Petroleum Aje Ltd (whose interest  finance the appraisal programme, the Company  oil equivalent per day (boepd), making it the
       was recently acquired by PetroNor ASA), EER  has explored and is in constructive discussions  most important international company operat-
       and ADM.                            with potential financiers to provide a combi-  ing in the country.
         In February 2020, ADM entered into a sale  nation of cost effective vendor and alternative   Eni, December 10 2020
       and purchase agreement with EER to acquire,  financing solutions. A further update will be
       subject to certain conditions, a participating  provided to shareholders when appropriate.
       interest of 2.25% from EER in the Block. Follow-  LEKOIL, December 11 2020  PERFORMANCE
       ing the receipt of DPR ministerial consent, these
       conditions have now been met and the title can                           Tanzania: Wentworth
       be transferred to the Company subject to admis-  COMPANIES
       sion of the consideration shares noted below.                            Resources provides
       ADM Energy, December 10 2020        Algerian minister,

                                           Sonatrach CEO meet                   operational update
       FINANCIAL                                                                AIM-listed Wentworth Resources, the inde-
                                                                                pendent, Tanzania-focused natural gas produc-
       LEKOIL reports on payments          with the head of Eni                 tion company, has announced an operational
                                           The Algerian Minister of Energy, Abdelmadjid  update.
       to Optimum Petroleum                Attar, met the Chief Executive Officer of Eni,   Highlights: The health and safety of our
                                           Claudio Descalzi, today in Algiers to take stock  employees is always our priority and robust pre-
       Development Co.                     of the company’s activities in the country, future  cautionary measures remain in place to ensure
                                           projects and to discuss the energy transition,  the continued safety of our staff; to date, there
       LEKOIL, the oil and gas exploration and produc-  central to Eni’s new strategy.  have been zero reported cases of COVID-19 at
       tion company with a focus on Nigeria and West   Descalzi also met with the CEO of Sonatrach,  Mnazi Bay. Mnazi Bay continues to remain fully
       Africa, announces that its wholly owned sub-  Toufik Hakkar. During the meeting, an agree-  operational with no adverse impact on supply
       sidiary Mayfair Assets and Trusts has received a  ment was signed detailing the roadmap for a new  from the pandemic; 2020 annual production
       letter from Optimum Petroleum Development  hydrocarbon contract in the southern area of the  guidance remains on track to average 60-70mn
       Co., the Operator of the OPL 310 Licence, com-  Berkine Basin, under the aegis of the new Alge-  cubic feet per day (gross). As projected, produc-
       municating its enforcement of the default clause  rian oil law which came into force in December  tion volumes were higher in Q-2020 at 68.8mn
       which specifies the conditions for establishing  2019.                   cubic feet per day (gross) compared to 58.3mn
       default contained within the Cost and Revenue   The agreement falls within the memorandum  cubic feet per day (gross) for H1-2020, due to
       Sharing Agreement (CRSA).           of understanding aimed at collaboration in the  increased demand as a result of the lifting of
         Optimum have conveyed its enforcement  upstream sector signed last July and has the goal  COVID-19 restrictions; production volumes
       of the default clause, as payments of $6.6mn, to  of creating a new gas and oil development hub  have also risen during Q4 2020. Mnazi Bay is
       cover the portion of sunk costs and consent fees,  in the region through synergies with the existing  well-positioned to supply increased gas volumes
       have not been received by November 30, 2020. In  assets of MLE-CAFC (Block 405b).  and support incremental demand growth as
       addition to these fees, Optimum highlighted that   Hakkar and Descalzi agreed to implement  seen in Q4 2020 and expected in 2021, with the
       Mayfair, has also not made payments in excess  a programme for relaunching exploration and  capacity to supply volumes of 100mn cubic feet
       of $1.0mn to cover general and administrative  development activities in the area through opti-  per day (gross)
       costs for the year as agreed within the CRSA.  mising existing infrastructures and to accelerate   Katherine Roe, CEO, commented: “The
       Pursuant to the CRSA, the default clause stipu-  the speed with which its solutions are brought  safety and wellbeing of our employees continues
       lates that following a cure period, if a default has  to the market by leveraging on the local content,  to be our number one priority, and we’re pleased
       occurred, Optimum and Mayfair shall jointly  replicating the model already adopted success-  that Mnazi Bay has remained fully operational
       seek and agree on a buyer to whom Mayfair’s  fully for the Berkine Nord project.  since the pandemic with no COVID-19 cases
       17.14% Participating Interest as well as all the   Hakkar and Descalzi also reiterated their  to date, a safe and healthy crew and no adverse
       financial obligations within OPL 310 will be  willingness to collaborate in other areas through  impact on supply. Our annual production guid-
       transferred.                        staff training, research and development, tech-  ance range remains unchanged at 60-70mn
         The Company continues to discuss with  nology transfer, renewable energy and other  cubic feet per day (gross).
       Optimum, a deferment of these payments as the  fields linked to the gas and petroleum products   “We continue to operate a robust and resil-
       Company intends to focus its financial and other                         ient business due to stable production and reli-
       resources in support of securing funding for the                         able cash flows from our long-term fixed gas
       second phase of the Otakikpo development as                              price contracts. We are especially proud of the
       well as the Ogo appraisal programme. The Com-                            strength of the business despite the challenging
       pany, working with Optimum, has identified and                           macroeconomic backdrop, which is reflected
       engaged an appropriate rig for the appraisal drill-                      in our balance sheet, with zero debt and $17mn
       ing where the service provider has accepted the                          cash at the end of October. This has enabled us to
       result of the early performed site survey. Due to                        return capital to shareholders totalling $4.2mn.”
       a good working relationship between the Parties,                         Wentworth Resources, December 09 2020

       Week 50   16•December•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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