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     makes Iran complicit in the crimes of aggression, war crimes, and terrorist acts by Russia against Ukraine, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said. The department called on Tehran to immediately stop the supply of any weapons to Russia. Otherwise, Iran and its leadership will bear the strictest responsibility, including within the framework of international legal proceedings regarding Russia's crimes against Ukraine. It is noted that the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, appealed to the ministers of foreign affairs of the EU member states with a call to impose sanctions on Iran for helping Russia carry out terror against Ukrainians.
Amnesty International says Russian attacks on critical energy infrastructure amount to war crimes. Marie Struthers, Amnesty International’s Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, said in a statement on Oct. 20 that Russia’s targeting of Ukrainian civilian infrastructure, including energy facilities, is unlawful since "the morale of the civilian population is not a lawful target." As much as 40% of Ukraine's energy infrastructure has been seriously damaged due to Russia's recent attacks, according to Oleksandr Kharchenko, an adviser to the energy minister.
NATO will provide Ukraine with devices to combat drones.NATO will provide Ukraine with hundreds of devices that will help fight against Russian and Iranian drones, said the secretary general of the organization, Jens Stoltenberg. "These are hundreds of jamming devices that will help render Russian and Iranian-made drones ineffective and protect the Ukrainian population and critical infrastructure. In the long term, we will also help Ukraine transition from Soviet to modern NATO equipment," Stoltenberg said. He emphasised that NATO is not a party to the conflict, but the Alliance allies will continue to support Ukraine as long as necessary.
Zelensky: 'Ukraine only has 10% of air defense it needs.' "We are fighting a large state that has a large amount of equipment and missiles," President Volodymyr Zelensky said during his address to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Oct. 13. Zelensky also added that there can be “no diplomacy” with Russia under the current conditions, European Pravda reports. "There can be no respect for the leadership that kills, captures, does not respect international law."
Iran has pledged to provide Russia with surface-to-surface missiles and more drones, Reuters reported on October 19, citing two senior Iranian officials and two Iranian diplomats. According to an unnamed Western official familiar with the matter, a deal has been reached between Iran and Russia to provide surface-to-surface short-range ballistic missiles, including Zolfaghar missiles. On Oct. 17, Iran denied supplying kamikaze drones to Russia. Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said Iran has “not provided weaponry to any side of the countries at war.”Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry said Iran has become “complicit in Russian aggression.”
Ukraine predicts victory by next summer. "Russia's loss is inevitable. It cannot be stopped and will lead to its destruction,” Major General Kyrylo Budanov said on Tuesday. "We will make significant progress by the end of the year. These will be significant victories. You will see it soon.” Budanov said he hoped the victories would include the Russian-occupied southern city of Kherson, where Ukraine has made significant progress in recent weeks. He noted that Ukraine intends to return to its 1991 borders. That would mean
   13 UKRAINE Country Report November 2022

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