Page 15 - UKRRptNov22
P. 15

     peace, democracy and human rights to recognize the government of the Russian Federation as a terrorist regime."
Putin 'imposes' martial law in occupied areas of Ukraine to give proxies more power. Russian dictator Vladimir Putin signed a "decree" on Oct. 19 "imposing" martial law in occupied areas of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia oblasts, following its sham "referendums" there. According to the Russian state-controlled news agency RIA Novosti, it will "come into effect" on Oct. 20. "Heads of regions will be given additional powers to ensure security," said Putin.
Russia threatens to withdraw from UN-backed grain export agreement. Gennady Gatilov, Russia’s ambassador to the UN, told Reuters that Moscow could withhold support for the UN-backed grain deal’s renewal next month if the UN doesn’t address its concerns.
The latest Russian aggression has led to a jump in wheat prices. Wheat futures on the Chicago Stock Exchange rose by 5% after the Russian Federation attacked Ukrainian cities with missiles on October 10. The situation raised concerns that the war’s escalation poses a new threat to grain exports via the Black Sea. In particular, any slowdown in Ukraine's exports may increase global food product prices, which have been declining recently. Problems with Ukrainian harvest cargoes have arisen, as the number of vessels being dispatched and awaiting inspection in Istanbul is increasing. Wheat futures in Chicago rose to $9.2425 a bushel, following the biggest gain this month. This year, prices have increased by about 20%. Corn and soybean prices also rose by more than 1.5%.
The mass media reported on German investigators' confidence that the Russians blew up the Nord Stream pipelines. German investigators established that the explosions at the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines resulted from sabotage. The WSJ reported that officials familiar with the investigation said it was consistent with Sweden's previous findings. So far, the investigators cannot say with certainty who is responsible, but they are working based on the assumption that Russia is behind the explosions. Moscow denies its involvement and says the explosions were a terrorist attack against Russian interests. The Swedish investigation agrees that sabotage is the most likely cause. NATO said shortly after the attacks that the gas pipelines were damaged due to sabotage but did not provide evidence or name the suspected culprits. Some German officials say that by leaving one line of Nord Stream 2 intact, Russia is trying to increase pressure on German politicians to launch Nord Stream 2. The German government said it has no plans to launch the pipeline.
Zelensky: 'Ukraine didn't order Crimean Bridge attack.' President Volodymyr Zelensky told the Canadian CTV news outlet that Russian domestic conflicts could cause the explosion. "We definitely did not order that, as far as I know," Zelensky said. A day after the Oct. 8 explosion, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin accused "Ukrainian intelligence" of damaging the bridge connecting Russian-occupied Crimea and Russia over the Kerch Strait.
Zelenskyy announces his demands for the 9th package of sanctions
against the Russian Federation. The next package of EU sanctions against Russia should include the disconnection of the remaining Russian banks from
    15 UKRAINE Country Report November 2022

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