Page 18 - UKRRptNov22
P. 18

 2.5 Polls & Sociology
    The World Bank predicts a tenfold increase in poverty in Ukraine. The poverty level in Ukraine will increase tenfold, and the Russian Federation’s attacks only complicate the economic situation, said Arup Banerjee, the regional director of the World Bank in Eastern Europe. According to the director’s forecast, 25% of the population of Ukraine will live in poverty by the end of the year, while before the war, this was only slightly more than 2%. The expert believes that by the end of next year, this figure may increase to 55%. Winter can be especially difficult for Ukrainians. According to Banerjee, the destruction of housing and critical infrastructure could cause another wave of internal migration. Currently, the government uses its budget’s funds only for salaries, pensions, military expenses, and to service debt. If Ukraine fails to garner enough financial support, it must either print more money, which will affect the inflation rate, or cut social spending even more.
Ukrainians are ready to live under the threat of missile strikes and fight the Russian aggressor. According to a survey by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, the vast majority of Ukrainians, 86%, are prepared to continue the country’s armed struggle and resist Russian aggression, even if the occupiers continue to strike at Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure. 71% of respondents completely agree with this opinion, and another 16% somewhat agree. Only 10% of respondents answered that it is necessary to engage in negotiations to stop the shelling as soon as possible, even if it is necessary to make concessions to Russia. Even in the east, the Kharkiv and Donetsk regions, 69% hold this opinion despite being under constant rocket and artillery fire, the researchers specified. However, 29% of the surveyed residents of the east are inclined to seek a negotiated end to the war. In the West, 88% of respondents favor continuing the struggle, and 8% prefer making concessions to end the war as soon as possible. In general, in all regions, most of the population is ready to continue armed resistance.
Seven out of 10 Ukrainians say their country should continue fighting until it wins the war with Russia, which includes regaining Crimea. A poll by Gallup, conducted in early September and released on October 18, showed 70% of Ukrainians favor fighting until victory, while 91% who back the war define victory as retaking all territory seized by Russia, including Crimea, which Moscow illegally annexed in 2014. Only 26% of respondents said Ukraine should seek to negotiate an ending to the war as soon as possible.
The majority of Ukrainians support Ukraine's accession to NATO and the EU. Most Ukrainians are in favor of Ukraine's accession to both the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union. According to the survey from the Rating Group, 86% of respondents support Ukraine's accession to the EU in the event of a referendum on this issue, whereas 3% were against it, and 7% would not vote at all. Support for joining the EU is in the majority among representatives from all macro-regions and age groups. The level of support for joining NATO among Ukrainians is currently the highest ever recorded in polling. It is noted that 83% of respondents would support this initiative in a referendum, 4% would oppose it, and 9% would not vote. In June, only 76% of respondents favored joining the alliance.
Most Europeans are in favor of Ukraine joining the EU. According to Bild, about 66% of Europeans polled favor Ukraine joining the European Union. However, the level of approval among the EU countries varies. In Poland, 84% of respondents were in favor. In Germany and France, the level of support is 60%. In June, more than 80% of Europeans supported Ukrainian refugees. However, compared to March, the amount of support fell by 5%. Support fell by 8% in France, by 7% in the Netherlands, and by 6% in Poland.
  18 UKRAINE Country Report November 2022

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