Page 19 - UKRRptNov22
P. 19

     Ukrainian business restored production volumes in September, the share of enterprises operating with the same capacity utilisation as before February 24, 2022 increased, but uncertainty remains in the long term, these are the results of the fifth monthly survey of the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting. According to the study, the share of "pessimists" regarding the general economic situation in the country significantly decreased – from 22.6% in August to 14.0% in September, while 27.4% of respondents are optimistic about the situation (22.3% in August). The share of enterprises that do not expect any changes also increased – from 55.1% in August to 58.6% in September.
Ukrainian businesses forecast the war’s end in 2023. A majority of American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine member companies expect the end of the war in 2023, according to a survey. So, in response to the question, "When, in your opinion, will the war end?", 77% of the survey participants named 2023, 12% - 2024, and 4% - 2025. At the same time, about 1% of respondents predicted the end of the war before the end of the year, and the rest could not name the year with certainty. Some predicted the war would not officially end but be frozen, while others said it was highly dependent on continued military and financial support from the US, UK, and EU. The respondents showed even greater unanimity in their answers to whether Ukraine will win the war. 92% of respondents answered with an unequivocal "yes”. Respondents expect that a long period of reconstruction will begin after the war.
Almost 3mn Ukrainian refugees are of working age. More than 6.4mn Ukrainians have fled Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine abroad, while 2.75mn of them are of working age, Interfax news site reports citing Ukraine’s Deputy Economy Minister Tetiana Berezhna.
 19 UKRAINE Country Report November 2022

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