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July 7, 2017
For the Turkish stock market, there's a new 'Dude' in town
Will Conroy in Prague
Over the past year or so, investors looking to explain the gravity-defying performance of the Turkish stock market have been hunting “the Dude”, a shadowy algorithmic trader who turns up when the market is volatile to dominate buying and selling. But in the past two months, some stock analysts have started to feel the market is
Belarus’ retail king Euroopt goes on the road
Ben Aris in Minsk
Euroopt is arguably one of the best run and fast- est growing companies in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and you have almost certainly never heard of it.
Over the last ten years the founders and manage- ment team have quietly built up Euroopt into the
A cartoon by American political cartoonist Udo J. Keppler first published by Puck magazine in 1901.
entering a new phase of reliable outperformance and that if you're looking to identify the dude behind that, you don't need to look very far: his name is Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the all-powerful president of Turkey.
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Euroopt store in Minsk, Belarus.
dominant supermarket and grocery chain in the small republic of Belarus that outperforms its Russian peers on almost all metrics other than the absolute volume of cash turnover. This week, Euroopt is on a no-deal road show in London to
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