Page 13 - EurOil Week 04 2022
P. 13

EurOil                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                             EurOil

       well encountered the Krossfjord Formation   critical enabler for continued exploration and   also been proactively engineering several
       with water-bearing sandstone rocks at   development in this part of the North Sea.”  options to resume safe drilling operations
       about 33 meters, with poor to moderate   Borthne added: “This year we expect to   at Southwark. The timeline is expected to
       reservoir quality. Water-bearing sandstone   bring on stream a fourth tie-in field to the   become clearer once we have analysed newly
       rocks were also encountered at about 33   Gjøa facilities - Wintershall Dea’s Nova field.   acquired seabed survey data this week.”
       meters with poor to moderate reservoir   In addition, we plan to drill two exploration   The firm also confirmed that the rig was
       quality, of unknown age, deeper in the   wells in the area and continue to mature   moved on 15 January to a safe location in the
       well.                               other nearby discoveries and exploration   Elgood 500m zone, where routine inspections
         The Krossfjord Formation has traces of   opportunities as tie-in candidates. We have   are underway with initial indications showing
       petroleum, but the well has been classified   high expectations that the Gjøa hub will be in   the rig remains fully serviceable.
       as dry.                             operation to 2040 and continue to create value   Meanwhile, the data from a new
         This is the second exploration well   in this area of the North Sea for many years to   Southwark seabed survey is now being
       in production licence 885, which was   come.”                            analysed to inform relocation and remediation
       awarded in APA 2016. The well was drilled   Neptune also said that, with the platform   options. IOG also informed that the optimal
       to a vertical depth of 3224 meters below   being electrified with hydropower from shore,   plan would potentially enable the rig to safely
       sea level and was terminated in basement   carbon emissions from the Gjøa platform   resume Southwark drilling in the next four to
       rock. The water depth at the site is 211   are 3kg CO2/boe, which, per the company, is   six weeks, with scour protection applied after
       meters.                             less than half the average on the Norwegian   arrival.
         The well will be permanently      Continental Shelf.                     The company explained in its latest
       plugged and abandoned. The Borgland                                      update that this remains subject to further
       Dolphin drilling rig will now proceed                                    investigation and an alternative plan may
       to Fedafjorden, a fjord in Agder county,   IOG awaits survey data for    be required with the next steps and timing
       Norway.                                                                  likely to be clearer once survey data analysis is
                                           clarity on next steps for            completed this week.
                                                                                  The IOG-operated Saturn Banks Project
       Neptune reports boost in            delayed North Sea well               – Phase 1 – sanctioned in October 2019 –
                                                                                consists of Blythe, Elgood, and Southwark
       flow at Gjoa                        UK company IOG plc is considering potential   fields in the UK Southern North Sea. IOG
                                                                                holds 50 per cent and its partner CalEnergy
                                           solutions that will allow it to resume drilling
       Oil and gas company Neptune Energy said on   operations on the Southwark field in the UK   Resources holds the other 50 per cent interest
       January 26 that output from its Gjøa platform   North Sea with a timeline expected to be   in this project.
       offshore Norway had increased by two million   set following a proper analysis of the seabed
       barrels of oil equivalents (boe) from 2020 to   survey.
       2021.                                  After a two-month hiatus caused by an   Petrofac gets extra five
         Gross production over the Gjøa platform   issue, which was found on one of the legs
       ended on 42 million boe in 2021, compared   of the Noble Corporation-owned Noble   years at NEO assets
       with 40 million boe in 2020. Of this, 76%   Hans Deul jack-up rig in October 2021, and
       of the production was gas, all of which is   following subsequent technical issues with   Energy services provider Petrofac has
       exported through the FLAGS pipeline to the   an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle   secured a five-year contract extension for well
       St. Fergus Gas Terminal in the UK.  (ROV) in December 2021, drilling operations   management and well operator services with
         The increased production from the North   started at the Southwark field in late   NEO Energy.
       Sea floater was due mainly to production   December, resulting in the spudding of the   Petrofac will provide a five-year framework
       start-up from the Gjøa P1 infill development   first development well on 30 December 2021.  for well management and well operator
       in February and the Duva field tie-back in   However, about 10 days into January,   support for 27 wells across the Affleck,
       August.                             IOG reported further problems with drilling   Balloch, Dumbarton, Lochranza, and
         In addition, Neptune said, production   operations due to challenges with seabed   Finlaggan fields located in the Central North
       from the tie-back field Vega, operated by   conditions, which threatened to compromise   Sea, UK. The contract also positions Petrofac
       Wintershall Dea, and the Gjøa field itself, has   rig stability.         to support future well construction and
       been better than expected. Estimated reserves   As a result, the Noble Hans Deul rig was   intervention campaigns, the services provider
       on the Gjøa field have increased by 38% since   obliged to suspend drilling operations at   informed on January 25.
       the Plan for Development and Production was   Southwark as seabed conditions were causing   Today’s contract announcement builds
       approved in 2007.                   excessive movement relative to the platform.  on Petrofac’s previously awarded integrated
         Neptune Energy’s Head of Operations in   IOG informed on Tuesday that it has   services contract for NEO Energy. The
       Norway, Martin Borthne, said: “Our ambition   been working constructively together with   contract, which began in 2020 and was
       to develop the Gjøa platform into a host   its drilling contractors – assisted by technical   extended early in 2021, involves the provision
       facility and a hub for nearby discoveries has   experts experienced in similar situations –   of ongoing operational, maintenance,
       succeeded. This has not only prolonged the   to urgently investigate a range of potential   engineering, and construction support for the
       life of the Gjøa platform itself, but has resulted   solutions.          operator’s UK activities while retaining direct
       in far higher value creation than expected at   Andrew Hockey, CEO of IOG,   procurement and managing sub-contracted
       start-up. Successful utilization of the Gjøa   commented: “Working with our drilling   services.
       infrastructure as a hub is further seen as a   contractors and expert consultants, we have

       Week 04   27•January•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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