Page 9 - EurOil Week 04 2022
P. 9

EurOil                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       Gas import deal between Ukraine and

       Hungary extended until Sept 2022

        UKRAINE          THE gas transmission system operators of  up to 8mn cubic metres of natural gas per day
                         Ukraine (GTSOU) and Hungary (FGSZ) will  from Hungary to Ukraine.
       Ukraine has       extend the firm capacity for gas transportation   Together with the existing 27mn cubic metres
       complained that   from Hungary to Ukraine until September 30,  of daily capacity from Slovakia, this increases the
       Hungary’s new gas deal   2022, NV reported on January 25.  total amount of firm gas import capacity to 35
       with Russia is using the   GTSOU announced on their website that the  mcm per day (12.77bn cubic metres per year),
       fuel as a weapon.  agreement will “allow increasing capacity for  NV reports.
                         gas imports to Ukraine before the next heating   The agreement comes after a controversial
                         season”.                             deal between Hungary and Russia’s Gazprom in
                           “Therefore, customers will be able to book the  October 2021 that excluded Ukraine.
                         necessary capacity for import to Ukraine at quar-  Under the terms of a long-term supply
                         terly auctions. Currently, the agreement is oper-  deal with Budapest, Gazprom halted gas
                         ating in the pilot mode, while TSOs are working  supplies to Hungary via Ukraine and started
                         on the introduction of firm capacity for imports  to send them via Serbia and Austria instead,
                         from Hungary on a permanent basis, as well as  using the new TurkStream pipeline. Previ-
                         on maximisation of its level,” the company said  ously the Ukrainian transit route would have
                         in a press statement.                typically transported 24.6 mcm of natural
                           “Since January 1, 2022 we have increased firm  gas per day.
                         capacities for gas imports to Ukraine by almost   The GTSOU claimed on 1 October 2021 that
                         30% and opened access to new sources of natu-  Gazprom’s deal to supply Hungary and reduce
                         ral gas supply, namely to the LNG terminal on  gas supplies to Ukraine was the “use of gas as a
                         the island of Krk (Croatia). In order to diversify  weapon”, and demanded the US and EU impose
                         its gas supply sources and strengthen Ukraine’s  sanctions.
                         energy security, GTSOU continues to work on   The deal deprived Ukraine of transit revenues
                         increasing firm capacity for gas imports from  and also meant it could no longer import reverse
                         Hungary on a permanent basis. Now, more than  flow gas via Hungary, which it has been doing
                         ever, we see our task in expanding opportunities  since 2015 when Ukraine stopped importing gas
                         for Ukrainian importers to access various routes  for its own use from Russia.
                         and sources of natural gas supply to stabilise the   By October 2021, Ukraine had already lost
                         situation in Ukraine, in all scenarios of Gaz-  $1bn from the circa $3bn it used to make in tran-
                         prom’s behaviour,” said CEO of GTSOU Sergiy  sit fees, as more gas to Europe that used to transit
                         Makogon.                             via Ukraine is now being sent through the new
                           The agreement between GTSOU and FGSZ  southern spur to Gazprom’s trident of pipeline
                         allows the network users to physically transport  networks serving customers in Europe. ™

       Week 04   27•January•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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