Page 14 - AsiaElec Week 30
P. 14
AsiaElec NEWS IN BRIEF AsiaElec
of deploying, constructing, operating and 66KV transmission lines and substations in have a nominal power output of 6MWp and
maintaining the assets. This offers the ability Tanintharyi region, Chin and Rakhine states,” will be located at New Wing’s manufacturing
for end-to-end management of a customer’s deputy minister of Ministry of Electricity facility near Hanoi, Vietnam.
energy infrastructure, typically utilising a and Energy U Khin Maung Win said at the The solar system is part of the efforts
variety of elements, including renewable meeting. of NWIT to reduce its carbon emissions
energy resources, waste heat recovery, storage “These projects will be completed in the footprint and transition into sustainable and
systems, energy metering and beyond. fiscal year (FY) 2021-2022. Upon completion green manufacturing.
Cedrik Neike, managing board member of those projects, about 400,300 households The project will avoid 113,520 tonnes of
of Siemens AG and CEO of Siemens Smart will get electricity and the electricity unit will greenhouse gas emissions and will generate
Infrastructure, said: “Energy systems are increase 160mn kWh 290mn kWh per year, enough electricity to cover 25% of NWIT’s
changing along with the business models that with an annual income from 19bn to 34bn current manufacturing operations.
underpin them. We want to accelerate more kyats ($15-25mn),” he said. Hoang Van Thuy, vice director of NWIT,
sustainable and distributed systems. Together “At present, 28 hydropower plants are said: “The goal of our company is to use
with BECIS, we can support our customers generating 3,225 MW, 120 MW from a coal 100% clean energy in the future, therefore we
with cutting-edge technology and flexible plant and 40 MW from a solar power plant in cooperate with Hexagon Peak to build the
financing solutions. the country. Due to insufficient power with largest rooftop solar system in Vietnam.” Dat
“We’re creating a solution that mitigates hydropower, 16 natural gas power stations Le, the managing director of Hexagon Peak
risks, reduces operating costs, while driving have been installed to generate 3,341 MW,” the Vietnam, adds: “We are thrilled to be selected
adoption of sustainable energy options.” deputy minister explained. as a solar partner of NWIT. By teaming up
SIEMENS As the country sees an annual 15% growth with INPOS for this project, we are excited to
of electricity consumption, processes are being apply the highest industry standards in safety
implemented to generate 900MW from three and reliability for the system.”
RURAL ELECTRIFICATION liquefied natural gas (LNG)-fired power plants Dzung Nguyen, Vice Director of INPOS
to meet the demands, he added. added: “Rooftop solar is becoming more and
Myanmar parliament more popular in Vietnam, contributing to the
development of our country economically and
approves ADB loans to SOL AR environmentally and INPOS is doing its part
to make our dream of leaving the world better
promote rural electrification than we found it come true.”
The Myanmar parliament approved a Vietnams signs largest
$171.27mn loan from the Asian Development rooftop solar deal Petronas New Energy to
Bank (ADB) for projects promoting rural
electrification. Singapore-based IPP Hexagon Peak has provide green power to
“The loans will be used to get more entered into a long-term power purchase
electricity in Kayin state, Ayeyarwady and agreement with factory operator New Wing commercial buyer
Magway regions, to covert 66KV power Interconnect Technology (NWIT) for the
system for 1,535 villages to get electricity in largest rooftop solar system in Vietnam. Following the launch of its first solar
the eastern part of Bago region and to build The project will be built by INPOS, will rooftop solution, M+ by Petronas last year,
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 30 29•July•2020