Page 15 - AsiaElec Week 30
P. 15

AsiaElec                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                            AsiaElec

       Petronas New Energy is now set to grow in   signifies our commitment in realising our   This project win provides further evidence
       the domestic renewable energy space with   vision of becoming a leading global provider   that the Vestas V105 solution is a robust
       its first commercial customer, Tesco Stores   of cleaner, reliable as well as costeffective   option for sites with extreme weather
       (Malaysia).                         energy solutions”.                   conditions and challenging transport
         In delivering its commitment to Tesco,   PETRONAS                      requirements.
       PETRONAS New Energy has collaborated                                       “We are very pleased to have been awarded
       with NEFIN Group, a regional renowned                                    this project and thereby continue our
       bespoke solar developer, and formed a   WIND                             collaboration with Japan Wind Development.
       joint-venture company together known as                                  Securing this order within weeks of the first
       NE Suria Satu (NESS), to provide a solar   Vestas wins 40MW              order demonstrates JWD’s continued trust
       rooftop solution covering design, installation,                          and confidence in Vestas and our ability to
       operation and maintenance of solar   order from Japan Wind               provide customised solutions,” said Clive
       photovoltaic panels for selected Tesco stores                            Turton, President of Vestas Asia Pacific. “With
       nationwide.                         Development for project in           the momentum we are gaining in the Japanese
         The provision of the solar rooftop solution                            market, Vestas is ready and committed to
       is now ongoing until 2040, after the signing   Nagasaki Prefecture       support the country’s growing ambition to
       of a 20-year Power Purchase Agreement                                    increase renewable energy sources.”
       (PPA) between NESS and Tesco, the largest   Vestas has secured a 40 MW order with Japan   Vestas will also provide multi-year Active
       commercial solar PPA of its kind in Malaysia.  Wind Development (JWD) for the Hirado   Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000)
         The first phase of the project will   Minami Wind Farm in Japan’s Nagasaki   service agreements for the wind farm. With
       collectively generate about 18 gigawatt hours   prefecture, following last month’s project win   an energy-based availability guarantee, this
       (GWh) of clean energy per year from the 15   with Japan Wind Development and Tokyu   agreement will ensure optimised performance
       selected Tesco stores around the northern   Land Corporation.            and long-term business case certainty for the
       and central regions of Peninsular Malaysia,    The order includes the supply and   customer.
       enabling Tesco Group to achieve its goal of   supervision of 11 V105-3.6 MW turbines,   VESTAS
       becoming a zero-carbon business by 2050.  delivered with customised 72.5-meter
         Head of PETRONAS New Energy, Dr. Jay   towers. The solution was developed in
       Mariyappan said: “This PPA is a testimony   close collaboration with JWD in order
       to our significant growth aspirations as a   to accommodate the extreme local wind
       company that provides sustainable energy   conditions, whilst simultaneously minimising
       solutions. This first venture with Tesco,   visual impact due to the site’s natural beauty.

       Week 30   29•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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