Page 15 - EurOil Week 49
P. 15
Equinor signs up for Europe’s biggest
green hydrogen project
NORWAY NORWAY’S Equinor has signed up for what has major wind power producer, boasting 4.46 GW
been touted as Europe’s largest green hydrogen of installed capacity at the end of last year. But its
The project aims to project, known as NortH2. heavy reliance on this intermittent source means
establish over 10 GW NortH2 was kick-started in February and that adequate energy storage is critical – a role
of offshore wind power brings together Royal Dutch Shell, Groningen which hydrogen can play.
capacity to generate Seaports Gasunie and the local government of NortH2 aims to produce 0.4mn tonnes
green hydrogen by the Netherlands’ Groningen province. It aims to per year of hydrogen by 2030 and 1mn tpy by
2040. establish 1 GW of offshore wind power off the 2040 which, according to Equinor, would abate
Dutch coast by 2027 for green hydrogen produc- 8-10mn tpy of CO2 emissions. This is equivalent
tion, expanding to 4 GW by 2030 and over 10 to annual emissions from road traffic in Norway.
GW by 2040. The partners aim to complete a feasibility study
“This is a ground-breaking project that by 2021 and begin project development in the
Equinor is looking forward to contributing to,” second half of next year.
CEO Anders Opedal said. “The project can be an “NortH2 fits well with Equinor’s experience
important part in our efforts to build a compet- and position as a leading offshore wind opera-
itive position in hydrogen, creating future value tor,” the company said. “Hydrogen will add to
and industrial possibilities. the competitiveness of renewables in the years to
Hydrogen is categorised as green when it is come, by adding value and an alternative route to
produced from water at electrolysers, with the market for renewables.”
process powered by renewable energy sources Equinor announced its pledge to become a
such as wind and solar. This hydrogen can then net-zero emitter of greenhouse gases (GHGs)
be used in heavy industry and other areas of the by 2050 last month, with both hydrogen and
economy that are difficult to decarbonise by offshore wind to play key roles in fulfilling
other means. this promise. In October it broke ground on
Green hydrogen production is seen as an Hywind Tampen, the largest floating offshore
attractive prospect in the Netherlands, owing wind farm in the world, off Norway. The
to the country’s offshore wind potential and its 88-MW farm will account for one third of
extensive gas grid, which can be repurposed to global floating offshore wind capacity once it
transport the fuel. The Netherlands is already a is operational in 2022.
Week 49 10•December•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P15