Page 17 - EurOil Week 49
P. 17

EurOil                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                             EurOil

         HALO added that it would be focused   clear steps with immediate action to   Hibiscus delays Marigold FID
       on re-activation of Schooner and nearby   combat climate change and to achieve CO2
       exploitation to be re-directed to the Western   reduction targets at national, European   Malaysian operator Hibiscus Petroleum has
       Gas Transmission (WGT) system and the   and global level.                pushed back the final investment decision
       Den Helder processing facilities in the   Through the MoU, Eni and Saipem will   (FID) for the Marigold development in the
       Netherlands.                        also evaluate participation in programs   UK part of the North Sea.
         The company currently owns 100% of the   financed by the European Union as part   Hibiscus Petroleum said that its indirect
       block and 8.88% of WGT and, with partners,   of the Green Deal Strategy, proposing the   wholly‐owned subsidiary, Anasuria Hibiscus
       will continue to examine opportunities in the   possible inclusion of specific initiatives   UK, was in advanced stages of drafting the
       UK near the border with the Netherlands.  within the plan for the use of funds   final Marigold field development plan (FDP).
         According to HALO, the absence of   intended to support the Member States   Anasuria has been in pre‐submission
       available infrastructure in the UK has created  of the ‘European Union in the post-  discussions with the UK’s Oil and Gas
       more opportunities for Dutch infrastructure   COVID-19 phase (Recovery and Resilience   Authority (OGA) to ensure the FDP
       nearby with numerous examples of such and   Fund).                       meets their requirements before the final
       the availability of processing, pipeline or   Eni emphasised it is committed to   submission is made later this month.
       facilities such as WGT offers.      responding to the challenge of improving   Because of delays, which Hibiscus claimed
         The Schooner field is located in the   access to reliable and clean energy,   were in large part due to the impact of
       Southern Basin of the UKCS, 26.9 km from   counteracting climate change through   Covid-19, the project FID is now expected
       the Murdoch installation, which acted as the   concrete, rapid and economically   to be received around the end of March 2021
       installation control centre for Schooner off   sustainable solutions.    instead of by end of December 2020.
       the Lincolnshire coast.                Eni’s strategy combines the objectives   A concept select report for the
         The Schooner platform was installed in   of continuous development in a rapidly   development of Marigold and Sunflower
       1996 and used to exported gas to Murdoch.   evolving energy market with a significant   fields was submitted to the OGA on 31
       From there, the gas flows to shore at the   reduction in its carbon footprint.  August 2019 and a letter of no objection
       Theddlethorpe Gas Terminal via a trunk line.  Saipem is a provider of solutions   to the selected concept was received on 15
         The field ceased production in 2019,   aimed at enabling the hybridization and   October 2019.
       following with the Theddlethorpe Gas   decarbonization of energy-intensive   The Marigold Cluster currently includes
       Terminal cessation of operations in 2018.  production complexes.         the following licenses and fields: P198 – Block
         The owner and operator of the platform   It boasts experience and skills in the   15/13a (Marigold Discovery); P198 – Block
       is Norwegian firm DNO, who earlier this   construction of plants linked to the CO2   15/13b (Sunflower Discovery); and P2366 –
       year halted its well decommissioning   chain, with the ability to also act as an   Blocks 15/18d and 15/19b (Crown Discovery).
       campaign due to Covid-19. DNO submitted   integrator of processes and technologies,   The selected concept for the development
       decommissioning plans for the Schooner   taking into account the expertise and   of Marigold includes drilling and completion
       and Ketch fields in July 2019. The well   experience gained in the management of   of subsea wells tied back to an FPSO unit via
       abandonment programme has been      CCUS processes on multiple industrial   flexible flowlines and umbilicals.
       suspended since April due to the Covid-19   complexes.                     It will also facilitate a phased development
       pandemic.                              Over the years, Saipem has designed   approach to further mitigate project risks.
         It is worth noting that talks are underway   more than 70 plants for the capture of   The project is expected to proceed in two
       for re-use the platform as accommodation   CO2 and over 40 plants for the subsequent   phases to mitigate subsurface uncertainties
       for an offshore wind farm in the North Sea.   transformation into urea.  and minimize capital outlay required to
       HALO added that there was no arrangement   Claudio Descalzi, CEO of Eni, stated:   achieve first oil production.
       with DNO to use the platform for this   “Through this strategic agreement, Eni   Anasuria completed the acquisition of
       reactivation work.                  intends to strengthen its leadership in the   Blocks 15/18d and 15/19b, from United
                                           energy transition process, accelerating   Oil & Gas and Swift Exploration for a total
                                           the evolution of its business model   cash consideration of up to $5 million in
       Eni, Saipem team up for             that combines economic and financial   December 2019.
                                                                                  The blocks are located offshore in the UK
                                           sustainability with environmental
       decarbonisation projects            sustainability.                      sector of the North Sea, some 250 kilometres
                                              “The adoption of technological
                                                                                northeast of Aberdeen. The blocks include
       Eni’s CEO, Claudio Descalzi, and Saipem’s   solutions for decarbonization such as   the Crown discovery located 12 km southeast
       CEO, Stefano Cao, on December 9 signed   carbon capture, utilisation and storage, will  of Marigold, which together with the
       a memorandum of understanding (MoU)   be fundamental in the energy transition   Sunflower field, was acquired by Anasuria in
       to cooperate on the identification and   of the country, and Eni can provide   October 2018.
       engineering of decarbonisation initiatives and   unique skills and expertise in managing   Given its proximity to Marigold, the
       projects in Italy.                  production processes and in the fight   contemplated development of Crown is
         Eni and Saipem intend to identify   against climate change”.           based on a single well subsea tieback to the
       possible opportunities for collaboration in   Eni has already started its energy   Marigold field.
       the sector of the carbon capture, utilisation   transition journey after announcing major   Since the developments have been
       and storage (CCUS) of CO2 produced by   overhaul of its business back in June 2020.  impacted by Covid‐19, the payment of an
       industrial districts in the Italian territory.  The Italian oil major created two   additional sum of $3mn which is due within
         According to the two companies,   business units, one focused on oil and   seven business days of approval of the
       the objective is to contribute towards   gas called “Natural Resources” and the   Marigold FDP is now expected to be made to
       the decarbonisation process of entire   other focused mainly on renewable energy   United and Swift by the end of the first half
       production chains, particularly those of   named “Energy Evolution”.     of 2021.
       the highest energy intensity by taking

       Week 49   10•December•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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